Egg Laying Issues?


New Member
Thank you so much! One question, where can I get eco-earth? All I've been able to find is peat moss and potting soil which I did buy. I was thinking she would use her humidity hut...a Cool Whip container with moss inside. She's shedding now, and won't even pull her skin off!:( She looks so uncomfortable! I hope she lays soon. I was told that females go into shed (a preshed) before they lay.

Thank you for the great pix! The little girl crawling into the nesting box looks like my little rescue girl, Aurora, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge last year. Don't you love when gex do the "frog leg" thing and stretch their arms/legs out?!:D


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3 Year Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I get Eco-Earth at my local pet store, and I've seen it at the big (pet) box stores, too. It comes is a dried brick, different sizes, and hydrates to 2-3 times its size. Its great, if you need a little or a lot!

I've heard of using peat moss as a laying medium. It never hurts to give her a choice, I don't think you can have too many hides, moist or not! Try some of each and see what works.

I've never noticed a pre-lay shedding, but I'm still learning stuff too! I'll keep an eye out for it. I've one ready to burst now too. She's several days overdue, probably because its been so hot!! I look for a female to stop eating, and then a sudden urge to move. The do the "climb the glass corner" and run all around, looking for a place to lay, I guess. Usually it'll happen the next day.

I do love to watch them, they all have such distinct personalities. Sorry about Aurora...


New Member
Thanks! I'll try and find some tomorrow. I added some more moss to her humidity hut so she would have a nice, new "mattress," but she doesn't seem to like it!:( She walks in and walks right back out to go over to the corner of the cool side. I thought the extra cushion would be more comfortable for her, but she likes her thin, old moss. :rolleyes: Marnie has never been a "glass dancer." I think it's because of her bad arm. My first girl, Meeko, used to "dance" all the time! She used to bang the seashell I kept calcium in against the glass to wake me up at night! That, or she would start "singing!" I've never heard of a more vocal gecko than Meeko! I really miss her and Aurora!:( Carl & Marnie are helping to heal the hole in my heart. The heat doesn't seem to be affecting my guys/gals. The uro LOVES it!! I hope your girl lays soon...mine, too. Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate any advice. I've had leos for 11 years now, and think they are great!


New Member
I got three bricks of Eco Earth! I think it'll last me a lifetime!:) I was thrilled when Marnie (& Carl) ate two butterworms a piece last night. However, when I got up for work this morning, Marnie had regurgitated both of them!:( I am so worried and am wondering what is going on with her. I don't know what could be easier for her to eat since they are nice and soft. I may try some waxies tonight. Any ideas on how to help my girl? Thanks!


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3 Year Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
That Eco Earth will last a long time! It expands!!!

As far as the food, I'm not sure what to suggest. I've seldom had anyone regurg. My main foodstuff for adult leos are superworms, but they're not the easiest food... roaches are about all I can come up with. They're soft and have lots of protein. Good luck!

Any sign of eggs yet? My girl finally laid on Friday, her 9th clutch this season. She made a huge mess digging out both of the humid hides in her tank!


New Member
No sign of eggs!:mad: I am so happy your girl laid her clutch! Marnie is just laying around & sleeping. She even sleeps with her head up! No digging in her moss, either. None of my leos ate supers. Tried dubias with Carl and no go. Even my 2' beardie wouldn't eat them. They do like mealies. I've heard that leos fed strictly mealies live longer. Whether that's true or not I don't know. I always thought the exoskeleton was hard to digest. I guess I'll have to rely on crix, mealies and an occassional waxie/butterworm.


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3 Year Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
I figure the best diet is a varied one. I use mealies only for hatchlings. Crix and dubias for everyone. But my go-to food is superworms. Don't get too concerned about not eating. I'm sure you've noticed almost all leos go through periods of not eating. Since they can live 20 years, its kinda hard to judge how much diet affects lifespan. I guess we just try to meet their needs the best we can.

But I am worried that there've been no eggs. Its been an awfully long time. Here's to hoping that she reabsorbed them!!


New Member
I got Marnie a new hide. It looks like Devil's Tower in Close Encounters of the Third Kind!:) The first day she kept to her pattern of laying outside in "her corner." Last night, she went in to it and won't come out!! She really likes it! She'll peek out and can REALLY stretch out in there. No substrate inside, though. She doesn't think much of the eco earth. Carl, on the other hand, LOVES the eco earth! He won't come out of his hide!! Wait a minute...he did come out last night to shed and keep me awake all night with his rubbing against things and munching on his skin!:rolleyes: I'm wondering if Marnie reabsorbed her eggs. I didn't shine a light on her belly, but after just a brief check, I didn't see the little orange/red circles. She still isn't eating so I don't know if she reabsorbed the first batch and is making more follicles or what.

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
I'm pretty sure that they won't constantly lay if they're not with males. Mine's been odd lately as well, but it doesn't constantly dig in the hide. I recently got 3 bricks of eco earth for free along with my reptile carpet purchase :)


New Member
Well, I think Marnie reabsorbed her eggs because she's acting "normal" aside from not eating. She will show interest in a worm and then just look/walk away. She does eat her skin when she sheds. Any suggestions on how to stimulate her appetite? She is "fluffy" so she has what still appear to be adequate fat pads and a full "lunch box." Carl, on the other hand, is back to normal and doing fine! He's eating...getting my fingers sometimes!:eek: and "keeping it in his pants!" Now if I could only get Mar to eat!

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