title is pretty self explanitory, but ehres the details. 3 days ago i noticed one of my eggs thats been incubated around 85 degrees (or lower, not any higher, room keeps changing temp tho), for just a bit over a month, it was very soft. it hasnt dented any major amount and in some examination still has firm hard spots but some of it is also very soft. There is also two different small cracks in it, each about 2 milimeters in length (tiny), but complete cracks right through the outer shell (not just scrapes or marks). when candled there also appears to be lots of little marks like small scrapes or cuts that arent as much through the shell, if atall through the shell, over the end of the egg. This has been the same for about 3 days now. any idea why? first timer here, as far as ive read similar could happen when hatching but i didnt think it would be over 3 days with no progression from the original marks.