Electric Yellow Blizzard Eclipse


New Member
South Africa
i posted a thread a while ago regarding line bred blizzards
that from what i can take could be a possibility, i try and find it.
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Bells Rule!
These cant be banana blizzard. The grandparents to these babies were Bell Het Patty male X Blizzard female = The parents Tangerine Double Het Bells & Blizzard. So not possible for PatternlessBlizzard AKA Banana Blizzard.

If both of the geckos you bred to make these were from that pairing each could be het Patternless... The odds are against you, but the second baby in your second set of pics sure looks like it could be a Patternless Blizzard... By the way, that is a GOOD thing... ;)


New Member
South Africa
Here's the other thread

I do believe only the color on Red Stripes is linebred. Stripes(maybe not all lines) are recessive, but they are not a simple recessive, so that is why we can get conflicting results IMO.

This is also why Stripes can create a new type, which was the Reverse Stripe. Reverse Stripes went on to produce "Aptors and Patternless Stripes". Aptors/PRS went on to produce the Eclipse gene, so we have what is called a cooperating-recessive "complex" of genes at work.

Before this was known, Stripes had "come from" Jungles, and Reverse Stripes had come from Stripes. I am fairly certain that Reverse Stripes would eventually yield a "Patternless Striped" animal, but much like the appearance of the Reverse Stripe from Striped lines, it does not happen so easily. When the two striped lines were crossed it gave us a "shortcut", and the Patternless-types were produced much more often.

Same thing here, Jungles yield Stripes, and Stripes yield Reverse Stripe but not very reliably. When you mix them up, the chances that you will hatch a greater variety go up, and thats the same thing I think happened, when we bred a Red Stripe to a Reverse Stripe Albino(broken pattern). Just a theory, but I would think Jungle X Stripe, would also give you "the new type"(Reverse Stripe in that case) much more often, because that is the way the Reverse Stripe X Stripe breedings act, as opposed to Reverse X Reverse.

We also have the fact that all of these traits "stick with" the Aptor or Eclipse traits. Meaning they carry all of the genes that make up the whole. Any gecko from a R/Aptor project is carrying very first gene in the "series"(Jungle), as well as the rest of the genes. If any of them were simple recessives, we might have lost some of them along the line, for the fact we would have had "possible hets", and maybe accidentally bred them out. That does not seem to happen in this project, and I`de never even had a "possible het" Aptor or Eclipse, that was not carrying all of them.

Just some food for thought! Sorry to bring Raptors into this Stripe discussion, but I do feel they are related, and work in the same way.

I have to agree in my breeding colony i've seen the same happen in various of my morphs 1ST & 3RD pic is double het for Blizzard and Bells. I'm planning to keep back some babies in order to compare them to the parents later on.
I'm convinced one can enhance even a Ressesive gene with line breeding. The 3RD pic is of the same mother than the two double hets the father also resembled some yellow markings same as the baby and mother.

So my conclusion is that one can breed a more yellow blizzard thats not patternless. So one should then be able to breed a blue purple blizzard .
I'm i completely of track ?


New Member
South Africa
I'll Wait

I should wait to see when there bigger if this is something special or not ?
If they hold there color will that be something or not ?
Will you still call them blizzard if they show the same yellow into adulthood ???


G.Man <- ask HJ
Germany, Hamm
I think Mike could be right. They can be Patternless Blizzards.
YOu should for sure testbreed them!
If they produce Patternless and BLizzard babies you have Banana BLizzards and as Mike said, thats a good thing.
I mean okay nothing new but definatially rare nad from the look it can truely be!

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