Enigma History


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Where did Enigmas come from ? History... Did they just pop up from a morph or combo of morphs? If so which morphs.
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spykerherps said:
Did they just pop up from a morph or combo of morphs?

from what i understand, this is usually how new morphs come about. almost like an accident, but dont quote me on that.

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Morphs pop up out of no where... All recessive, dominant, and co-dominant morphs are the result of a mutated gene or genes... These mutations can be brought about by a number of things but most of the time it is just a "flaw" in nature...

Being that the Enigma is so different from anything else in the reptile hobby (I dont recall any other reptile species with ocular albinism), I am positive that it is something that just popped out and is its own mutation not caused by combining morphs... You need to figure that with the thousands of leos produced in captivity every year, new morphs will pop up often...
The Enigma will not be the last cool morph that will be produced... We have only scratch the surface of this species potential... Every year just seems to get better and better...

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Zach, the Enigma popped up In Mark Bell's lines. Currently, Kelli Hammack (HISS) is proving out this beautiful new morph. She is the expert on their genetics, and so far there are two versions... the non-red-eyed, and the red-eyed which are believed to be a rare ocular albino produced through the Bell albino strain. I have had the privilege of seeing most of them in Kelli's collection, and I must say they are the most intriguing morph I have ever laid eyes on.

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