enigma studies

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Nicole, the only legitimate 'study' I am aware of is one performed by a University in Texas, other than that, most of what we know about them is from breeders who work(ed) with them. Personally, I love the Enigmas, but we do know that the vestibular problems these geckos sometimes exhibit are indeed, genetic. This was confirmed by the study. ALL Enigmas carry the genetics that can result in offspring having mild, moderate, or severe problems.

I have not seen the entire results of this study, but basically there is a cerebral defect that causes these Enigma geckos to see everything in motion. This causes them to try to compensate their balance in an environment that is spinning around them by as simple as a head tilt, to a moderate level by walking in circles, to an extreme inability to even stand up straight. Enigmas that do not exhibit these symptoms can develop them, usually as a result of extreme stress... such as shipping, breeding, or even bright light. It's very sad, because these geckos are so beautiful, and are generally very good-natured.

Other reptiles with similar problems are the Spider-Ball Python, and Jaguar Carpet Python. In these morphs, outcrossing usually negates the problem. With The Enigma, since it is a type of co-dominant morph, breeding crosses will either produce an Enigma or not an Enigma. ALL ENIGMAS CARRY THIS GENETIC DEFECT.

With this said, I feel that it is mandatory for ANY breeder who works with the Enigma morph to fully disclose this potential issue to prospective buyers. I am not qualified to pass judgement on anyone who keeps Enigmas, but I urge anyone who decides to breed them to take a good look at their responsibility to the reptile community by NOT knowingly producing geckos with a known genetic defect. It is heartbreaking as a breeder to have to humanely euthanize such a beautiful and unique leopard gecko morph that does not have a quality life as a result of indiscriminate breeding.

I can only speak for myself, but I am phasing-out the propagation of this morph... not because I don't think they are beautiful and can have healthy productive lives, but because I feel as a breeder I have an ethical responsibility to NOT breed any animal that has a known genetic defect. I will continue to keep the two remaining Enigma geckos in my collection and even though they do not exhibit these problems, they certainly would pass the genetic traits on to their offspring.

Thanks for letting me preach...


New Member
palmetto FL
I still dont understand why we breed them lol. Yeah, their pretty, but they can also be riddled with issues, wich is not fair to them, nor is it that we completley disregard this fact to breed them for their color. Still, they do have a intresting color and can bring any morph to a new level.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Dimidiata said:
I still dont understand why we breed them lol. Yeah, their pretty, but they can also be riddled with issues, wich is not fair to them, nor is it that we completley disregard this fact to breed them for their color. Still, they do have a intresting color and can bring any morph to a new level.
Sam, you just validated the name of these beautiful leopard geckos... the ENIGMA:
wikipedia said:
enigma [ɪˈnɪgmə]
a person, thing, or situation that is mysterious, puzzling, or ambiguous
[from Latin aenigma, from Greek ainigma, from ainissesthai to speak in riddles, from ainos fable, story]

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