Exo Terra 36x18 setup



Here's a pic of one of my Exo Terra setups, 36x18. I love these for 2-3 leos. The 18x18 Exo is nice for singley housed leos.

I use two UTH's on the right side to provide heating for two medium Exo caves and also for some heat to the Repti-shelter moist hide cave (with bedabeast). The left side has the cool hide.

I use pyrex petri dishes for my worms and calcium. I like the clear glass dishes because the leos see worm movement easily and feed readily out of them, plus they can be run through the dishwasher at high temp.

The plants are for looks and add to the setup, but they would be a pain if you feed crickets, as you have to move all that out...no biggie. I feed primarily supers in the dish. I cut a paper towel corner for the front right corner and they use that for their presents every time. I throw them out daily and replace with a new paper towel corner. I use 15 watt red bulbs in the fixture for night time viewing.

The stat I use is the herpstat and the probe cable is run behind the background into one of the warm hides. I tape down the probe with a small piece of masking tape to keep it in close contact to the reptile carpet so I get an accurate reading of the surface temp.

These Exo terrariums have a full screen top. I have pieces of clear plexiglass cut to size to cover most of the screen on top to keep temps more constant, and to allow me a working surface to place things on while working with the setup.

Hope this gives you some ideas. I love these setups and they are super easy to maintain.

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New Member
Nice Set-Up...

While I like Exo Terra's because of the front doors they're just a little too expensive for my pocket.


Nice Set-Up...

While I like Exo Terra's because of the front doors they're just a little too expensive for my pocket.

The 36x18 isn't too bad really. You can get it for around $140 and it's nice to house multiple leos in one setup. The things that add up are the stat, the UTH's, the hides, and the light fixture....but you'd need that stuff with any setup really.
But if you do it up right it can be a nice setup even for a formal area like a living room or even a dining room. It makes a very appealing setup and when you add in the spectacular leos you'll put in there, people flip when they see it.
Think of it as a piece of furniture. It's pretty elegant and adds a nice touch to your home. Put in some choice leos and wow!


New Member
Wow, very very nice. I didnt know exo terra made them that big? all I thought they had were the 18x18x18 which is what I got and the 18x18x24. I might just have to invest in one of these they are very nice....Shaun


Wow, very very nice. I didnt know exo terra made them that big? all I thought they had were the 18x18x18 which is what I got and the 18x18x24. I might just have to invest in one of these they are very nice....Shaun

I think the 36x18 size are almost always special orders and take about 2 weeks to get at most places. The 18x18 size are readily available and they too are great but just for 1 leo. I have several 18x18s and like them a lot. If you were to house giants I'd get the 36x18 for sure.


New Member
Looks nice. I really love Exo-Terra tanks and would love to get one someday. Though I'd probably put a crested gecko or maybe some red eyed tree frogs in one instead of leos. (Mainly because I pictured some pretty nice set ups for either haha)

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