Eye Infection Q's


New Member
One of my geckos has an eye infection. Just found out and it must have happened when I fed him on Tuesday. His eye is swollen shut and some almost clear drops of something came out. So I made an appointment for the vet tomorrow morning (which proved difficult because my original vet stopped practicing, and I was afraid that the closest herp vet to me was a good hour drive...I was lucky there is one 12 minutes from me).

Anyway, my question is this. Is there anything I can do for him now to alleviate any further symptoms or issues? He's been eating and maintaining weight (lose a gram here, gain it back there sort of thing). He just does not in the remotest feel well. I checked all my other geckos to see if maybe it was the result of something I'm doing wrong, but they all seem perfectly fine, so I think he just scraped it on something. But is there stuff I can do aside from what the vet will do to help make sure he gets well, etc. Anything that you all may have done in this situation would help.



It's best to be really careful with eye issues and it could be a stuck shed issue but it does sound like he needs to see the vet for some meds
I would just bring him into the vet tomorrow and follow their instructions
They should give you some drops or salve to put in/on the eye

If you have him on a particle substrate such as sand-I would remove it and put him on paper towels
that would leave less chance of irritation from small particles or dust

Good Luck with him



New Member
He's already on paper towel. He's going to the vet whether or not it's something simpler than an infection, no doubt about it. There was clearish stuff that came off when I was looking at it, so yeah.
It could be stuck shed, and if so, errr...good? So cool. I'll just make sure to give the meds and what not. Just wasn't sure of anything else I could do for te little guy.

Thanks guys.


New Member
Update: Just wanted to let everyone know that my little gecko passed on. I found him dead this morning with his head in the water. I don't know if he just died and fell in, or if he was so sick he couldn't get up, but he's no longer among the living.
Thankfully I'll have his pictures to remember him by...I'll put a pet memorial up later after I bury him.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Oh man, sorry to hear you lost your Gecko. It really stinks when it happens so suddenly and you don't even have a chance to help then.

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