fan foot gecko??


New Member
Hi everyone...

I don't know much about different types of gecko so I'm sorry if this post is in the wrong place... I went to pick up some food for our leos today, and in the pet shop they had a "fan foot gecko". It was in with one of the leos (which worried me a bit as it was about half the size of the leo and I thought you couldnt keep different species together?) I havent ever seen a gecko like this before so I googled it... it seems as though they have similar requirements to leos. I was just wondering has anyone kept one of these before? What are their temperaments like, are they similar to leos? it was the cutest little thing, I am thinking of going back for it... I'm not sure though as my geckos have pretty large vivariums and I cant really afford a whole new setup like that at the moment :( it looked so thin and sad though so I do want to bring it home with me!


I got one

I have a fan footed gecko and I love her. She is so funny at night time they just wander around the cage and stuff they are really cool. I have a sick one at the moment however... and i think it is because I put her in with a flat rock lizard. I recently put my liz up for adoption to try and get her better so we will see how that works.

Males are territorial tho so you cant ahve them in with others from what I hear.

But I definatly recommend them they are rare and not much info on them at all. Definatly worth getting tho

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