I take samples. It may cost more to get them done but I've had a couple of geckos that get quite knocked back with the dewormer medication and stop eating for a while. So I don't like to give it to them unless I have to. I take them all along for a check up at the same time I take the samples, just to make sure.
The only problem is fecal at the clinic I go to is $50.
I have 10 geckos, I cannot afford that. Theyre willing to give me the dewormer without a prescription.
I would only be doing to adults.
$50 for each sample?! Ouch! That's steep. I'm lucky, my vet does two or three samples for the set price of the one test.
Are your geckos together or all separate?
A good idea might be to test just one or two samples, if they had something the chances are the others would too. If they are clear and are with other geckos then the others should be ok too (this is by no means a foolproof test, but I think it is better to do a random spot test than no test. If there is something serious going around, its better to know about it, and if they are in contact with each other the chances are it would have spread.)
Is the de wormer for all kinds of worms? I know my vet uses different dewormers for different types. If its a dewormer for all kinds then that should be ok.
Have you done these particular geckos before? If so and they have been fine then I cannot see a problem. Just keep an eye on them and make sure they are still eating and do not get lethargic.
Panacure is a good one. Give it a go Like I said, just watch out for any side effects and inform your vet if any of them have a bad reaction. My vet said he has never seen a bad reaction to panacure though so you should be ok
I just had a look on the bottle my vet gave me and it says:
Panacure 10%
Give 0.04ML once every 10 days for 30 days (3 doses in total)
I used a syringe and was told not to give them too much.
0.04ML is basically a couple of drops.
As long as you don't give too much then it should be fine
Just check the % of your panacure and dilute if needed. My gecko weighed about 60g and was given 0.04ML so if yours weigh less I'd give a ML less or so
Also I'd probably just do 2 doses, I think my gecko was given 3 doses as when I first got her she had A LOT of worms (poor thing, the last owner did not see the need for worming.)