Feedback on website design!

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I don't like how you click on for sale and it takes you back to the care requirements again. Maybe a link to them but not a long drawn out repeat of what has already been said. Then when you finally get to the bottom and see the for sale link it takes you somewhere completely differet yet again a TON of other links to possible animals for sale but any time you click one of those it redirects you yet again to more breeder lists to join and doesn't show any sale animals... I would have quit the site at this point and looked elsewhere. I won't join a site simply to see someones for sale animals.

You click the books link expecting to see a book list and the same care page that seems to be onevery other link you click comes up yet again. Not what I would want to see if I were looking for books on beardies. The health and breeding sections are very informative. So is the food section.

The bug section... the first link takes you to a test page, the dubia link is good it works and has useful info on it. The last 3 bug links to lobsters, turkistan and discoid all take you to some template server default page..

Overall the info that is provided is good altho HIGHLY repetitive, alot of the stuff, me as the average buyer would be interested in isn't even available, and not being able to find an animal for sale is disappointing. Also I could make you a better header if you're not happy with the one you currently have.

All this is just my opinion tho so don't take it as too harsh a criticism. It does look professionally put together but (refer to things previously stated)
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