feeding mealworms out of a dish



Hi, as announced a few days back I am new and I will bother you with stupid questions ;-)
Ok, so here is the first one. I have both of my leos (4 month old) now since about a week. Both girls got settled in in their habitat pretty quickly and all is well. They both eat about 10-15 mealworms a day and are very active.
But whatever I try, I can not make them take the mealworms out of a dish. They will look into the dish for a while and then turn around and look at me as if waiting for something. If I put a few mealworms down on the habitat floor, they go crazy about them and hunt them down and eat every last one I give them. Is that normal or are they just spoiled :D ?


my leo wont eat out of a dish either i dont really mind though i think its fun to watch him eat lol


New Member
Is the dish clear!?

My Leo would get like that from time to time but I made sure I would drop the worms when it was feeding time to get her attention and make it feel as if I was dropping them on the floor when I was actually dropping them in the dish. lol. Worked out fine.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Some of them figure it out and some of them get you trained really well. I have 4 hatchlings right now that have decided my hand is the only mealworm dispenser there is and that it dispenses from above only. They also think that this is a psychology experiment where you have to press the button to get a mealworm so as soon as I put my hand into the tub, they will latch on to it. Right now I am working on them to accept a mealworm offered at the level of the dish. When they can do that, I'll start dropping mealworms into the dish just before they grab them. You can try that, or else get a really low sided dish to start out with and gradually move to dishes with higher sides. I have a feeling I may have to sell these guys to people who like hand feeding . . .

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