As a soon to be leo owner I have some feeding questions. I already have a Bearded Dragon and I don't feed him inside of his enclosure but in a separate feeding tank. It seems from reading that most of you just let your geckos eat in their tanks. I know having some mealies in there wouldn't be too hard to keep contained but it can be a real pain to track down those non-eaten crickets or roaches after feeding time. If you only put in a few bugs at a time will the leo's usually chase after them and hunt, or are they more mellow feeders?
My BD is a very lazy hunter lol. There can be 30 roaches running around him and he'll just casually wait in one spot for the dumb ones that walk right under his chin haha. Sometimes he has to move a bit but he just doesn't have an aggressive approach to hunting. That is why I like the separate feeding tank for him with no hiding places for the bugs to get into. But from what I can tell, leo's don't seem to eat as many bugs as he does either.
My BD is a very lazy hunter lol. There can be 30 roaches running around him and he'll just casually wait in one spot for the dumb ones that walk right under his chin haha. Sometimes he has to move a bit but he just doesn't have an aggressive approach to hunting. That is why I like the separate feeding tank for him with no hiding places for the bugs to get into. But from what I can tell, leo's don't seem to eat as many bugs as he does either.