Female gecko stopped laying eggs?


New Member
Los Angeles
Hi All,
I've done some internet searches with no solid answers. I'm hoping the experienced folks here can answer my question...

A little background: I currently have a male/female pair that I purchased @ 4 years ago from a guy who bought them with the intent of breeding, but decided to go with beardies instead. They were about 9 mos-1 yr when I got them, and had always been housed together as far as I knew. A few months into it, the female started laying sporadic clutches of 2-3 eggs at a time. She is my first female, and it was so interesting! I did not want any more geckos, so I ended up freezing then disposing of the eggs. No idea if they were even fertile or not. She laid maybe 4 or 5 sets of eggs over the course of a few years.
About 6 months ago, my pair started fighting. She was rejecting his advances, and he also appeared to bully her. It got really bad, and my female ended up with some superficial injuries. Seeing as she is much smaller and I did not want her seriously hurt, I moved her to her own cage and they have been seperated ever since. Which finally bring me to my question....

She hasn't laid eggs in a really long time! Over a year I think. From what I understand, even females who are housed alone will/should be laying eggs? Her nutrition is good, she eats well, her weight is normal. She is socialable and has a "tame" personality. Her health has been fine aside from those now-healed bites/cuts and an eye infection she had as a result of a poor shed. (The eye issue was cleared up with antibiotics.) She is certainly not eggbound.
Why did she stop laying? Will not laying affect her in any negative way long term?


Ridgewood, NJ
Unlike male geckos females have a limited breeding life. I believe most say its about 2-4 years. I've read that some believe they have a set number of ova that they produce before they're all out and they can't produce eggs anymore. So the more eggs they produce each season the shorter their breeding longevity. Not sure if this is true or what's going on with your gecko but it may be.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Females not housed with males do not usually lay eggs, even if they've been housed with males previously.
Here are some of my anecdotal experiences:
--I have an enclosure with 3 retired breeders. One produced for me for several years and eventually got to the point where she would lay only a few eggs that weren't fertile. One is an enigma that was bred a few years ago, never laid, and started developing enigma syndrome so was immediately retired as a breeder. One was bred for 2 consecutive years to 2 different proven males and never laid an egg that was fertile. All 3 are ovulating but none has laid an egg since being retired.

--I have a female that was my first breeder and produced 10 viable offspring in 2005, 3 (I think) in 2006 and never ovulated again after that (she's 10 years old now)

-- I have had several females who laid incredible amounts of successful eggs (e.g. 20 eggs with 20 hatches) their first year and then never did very much after that, as described in one of the posts above.


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