female is getting very very aggressive


New Member
Plymouth UK
She has laid 2 clutches each 2 eggs. and is currently making her third clutch. its her first year breeding and mine. Earlier i looked through the glass into her tank and she was in her moist hide she could see me through the plastic and began to snap at me even though there was plastic then about 2ft worth of space and a piece of glass in front of her. So i went away in case i startled her and when i came back she was doing it again. Is this because shes pregnant? she was fine until today she is due to lay in under a week. Shes my fave and normally loves to be handled.


New Member
Oregon, IL
Some females just don't take well to breeding season. It's like gecko PMS lol. Once the season's over she should be back to her normal self. Until then, keep out of her way and only handle her when you absolutely need to. She needs to be as stress-free as possible, anyway. Making those eggs is hard on the body.

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