Finally found a red male


New Member
I've been looking for another red male. I finally found him. He's not quite as bright as I want, but his parents are ideal, so maybe he'll perk up.

I've attached a picture of him from the breeder.

My current male did pretty well last year with a really nice solid red and a few nice red harlies. I'm hoping to hold back a few more this year, keep the females, and breed to my new male when the time comes.

Hopefully this guy will be ready after quarantine to breed with a few red harlies that I have waiting. I can't wait to see what red I get this year. I've always been a pinstripe fan, but bought a red male last year for the heck of it. I'm finding more interest in the reds now, as they vary just as much as the pinstripes.

Anyway... The male I got is a little more than I was wanting to spend, but I'm hoping he'll be worth it with two males to breed with.
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New Member
Thanks guys!

Ray, when I get them, you're free to buy them ;-)

Zach, I saw your female. She's gorgeous! I wish my girls were a little brighter, but they'll fit perfect with this guy. They're a tad redder than him, as he's a little more orange-red, which'll work fine with my neon-orange female.

I can't wait to breed him. Well, I can, but I can't. I hope he appears more red on a daily basis. My current male is a light salmon colr 24/7 and nearly never fires up to bright red. At least he passes his redness to babies.

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