Finally picked a major


New Member
I love science and I think it's a great field. Good luck! I'm totally jealous btw of your study skills I wish I had them.. I still don't have them! Wth! :)

How did you survive Organic? I did great in the Lab but in the lecture I was like, "Que Lo Que, Que," Lol.

You and me the same on the study skills, mine come and go. I can set up the flash cards, etc but never seem to make use of them, lol.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Sometimes just making the flash cards alone can help immensely when it comes to tests. I really made use of them when it came to learning another language, took Japanese 101 and got a B because I ended up slacking off near the end. I always start out with a bang because I'm so excited in the beginning of the semester, then I tend to do less as time goes on because I just get tired of working so hard I guess lol not sure really.

But it's good to know that I have people I can turn to if I need any help. We did have a chapter on Organic Chem in my basic Bio class that I took, of course it just covered the basics. I don't know how much I really remember from it though since that was right after my concussion. All I really remember is connecting hydrocarbon bonds together with sticks and clay for models haha fun stuff.

Is a second language required for the medical tech. field? I would love to get back into learning Japanese one day.. I just don't really like taking the classes, I'd much rather just buy Rosetta Stone at some point, but oh well.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
You have done so much LizMarie, I had no idea!! That's so awesome, I wish you the best in all that you do! And of course, to all of the rest of you guys too!


New Member
You have done so much LizMarie, I had no idea!! That's so awesome, I wish you the best in all that you do! And of course, to all of the rest of you guys too!

Aw that's nice of you to say because it sure doesn't feel like I've done anything, lol.

Hmm language isn't a MT requirement but a general school requirement that you have to take either way. In my school MT requirements if I remember correctly;

- Anatomy and Physiology Part I & II w/ Lab.
- General Biology w/ Lab.
- Microbiology w/ Lab.
- General Chem. w/ Lab.
- Organic Chem. w/ Lab.
- Pharmacogenomics w. Lab. (which is a Toxicology Course but relates to MT)
- Immunology.
- Analytical and Quantitative Toxicology w/ Lab.
- Clinical Hematology.
- Clinical Immunology.
- Clinical Chemistry.
- Clinical Microbiology.
+ Very More Clinical Classes I just forgot them. I know there are like 7 different divisions in a lab and there's a class for each I just forgot them all right now.

- Statistics
- Calculus

Senior year they have a 52 weeks straight of Clinical Study where they do rotations in an affiliated hospital working along side MT's, I think it's like 2days of lecture and 3 days of clinical. I'm not sure they switch it up all the time.

PS: What's even cooler is that you get to walk around with a white lab coat, goggles and gloves :) There's nothing better than watching bacteria grow in a Petri Dish, lmao! Or doing a bunch of test with 93487593 reagents to find what it is.
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Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Well I at least have the Calculus done already lol but that's it from that list! I wouldn't mind taking it again though, I've always loved math :main_yes:

All of this talk is making me super excited though.. I knew I wanted to work in a hospital too and I know someone who is in her 50s and does that type of work too, she says she really loves it. So much stress and worry is lifted now too, just knowing and having a plan of what I want to do.


New Member
How did you survive Organic? I did great in the Lab but in the lecture I was like, "Que Lo Que, Que," Lol.

You and me the same on the study skills, mine come and go. I can set up the flash cards, etc but never seem to make use of them, lol.

Oh geeze... how did I survive O-chem? I have no clue. I should of worked harder, I got a B so eh.. I hate that none of our grades were curved either. Ok back to the question.. I did all my homework, we also had help sessions. For some reason I got most of it, but when I was confused I went to someone for help. FOr the first semester, last exam I got the For Dummies book, and it sort of helped so I would reccomend that, and use your models.

:) If you love math you'll love gen chem! On the other hand.. Organic is nothing like that.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Thanks Kristi!

I just signed up to take the SATs again in about 3 weeks. I can't find my old scores from 7 years ago, but that's okay, I don't mind taking it again.


New Member
Thanks Kristi!

I just signed up to take the SATs again in about 3 weeks. I can't find my old scores from 7 years ago, but that's okay, I don't mind taking it again.

If you wanted to you could have called the collegeboard and I think they release your grades with your social security number. SATs SUCK, especially now with that stupid essay, lol.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
Well I went to and apparently I can't get my old scores without knowing a specific number from when I took the test :main_rolleyes: Paid $68 just to be able to take them again, but oh well lol


New Member
Well I went to and apparently I can't get my old scores without knowing a specific number from when I took the test :main_rolleyes: Paid $68 just to be able to take them again, but oh well lol

You had to pay $68 to put yourself through hell, lol..

Good Luck! I took a PSAT and took the SAT twice to compare scores funny ALL 3 times I had a terrible cold and was stuck there for hours with a runny nose, cough and an on again off again fever.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
That's horrible! I took the SAT twice 7 years ago and remember having a runny nose and cough and it was just terrible because the entire room was completely silent except for me lol. They take forever to complete, you pretty much spend the entire morning and afternoon there.. should be fun :main_rolleyes:

But thank you, I am kind of excited to see what score I get now that it's been 7 years, hopefully I will do better!

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