Finally! They admit it isn't always a Pit Bull!!


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Just read this article from the Boston Herald (A local BIG newspaper for all you non New Englanders).

And it says, and I quote “The dogs doing most of the biting aren’t pit bulls. It’s the little ones that bite,†Sevigny said. “They do more damage than a big dog, believe it or not.â€


Heres a link to the article (Actually, not sure, but should I be copying and pastinig the artiles or linking?)

Just in case, here is the article:

Biting the bullet: 20,000 in Mass. dog-tired of nips

Dog bites sent a stunning 20,000 people to Bay State emergency rooms from 2002 through 2004, according to state statistics, and while brutal pit bull maulings grab the headlines, the canine culprits are usually fluffy family pooches.

More coverage: Related articles, multimedia & images Fall River eyes controls for vicious breedsPit bull wounds heal but emotional scars linger onA gnawing problemBarnstable police probe slaughter of 2 pit bullsDog mauls man‘It’s excruciating’ Pit bull’s victim still in hospitalPit bull that savaged Brockton victim has bitten before

“The fact of the matter is dog bites take place routinely by all kinds of dogs - Dalmatians, poodles, you name it,†Boston personal injury lawyer Eric J. Parker said.

In the past two weeks, dogs have badly mauled an 11-year-old Brockton boy, savaged a Brockton man during a barbecue and chewed up a Revere grandmother, landing them all in the hospital.

Last year, 153 Bay Staters were gnawed so severely they had to be admitted to hospitals, the state Department of Public Health reported. By comparison, Virgina reported 150 dog bite hospitalizations last year but has 1.2 million more residents than Massachusetts.

Worcester Sheriff Guy Glodis was attacked on the campaign trail in Milford by a German shepherd named Teddy as he walked up the dog owner’s driveway to ask for his vote.

“It locked his teeth into my arm. I still have scars on my forearm and fingers. I had to pry his mouth open,†said Glodis, who got 36 stitches after the September 2004 attack. “The worst thing is many of these dogs are repeat offenders,†he said. “The dog that bit me had bit four other people, all of which had to go to the hospital.â€

Despite his history of chomping unsuspecting folks wandering onto his turf, Teddy is still living with his elderly owner in Milford, an animal officer said. Glodis didn’t press to have the dog put down.

“I’ve seen some terrible injuries, a lot of them to children,†said Parker, whose firm represented a woman who had her thumb bitten off and another who lost a chunk of her nose to a cuddly Dalmatian pup that jumped and bit her face.

Fall River Dog Officer Melissa Sevigny said small dogs such as Chihuahuas bite most often.

“The dogs doing most of the biting aren’t pit bulls. It’s the little ones that bite,†Sevigny said. “They do more damage than a big dog, believe it or not.â€

Virginia Rowland, president of the Massachusetts Federation of Dog Clubs and Responsible Dog Owners, said towns and cities that ban breeds are barking up the wrong tree. “It has nothing to do with breed. It has to do with the people who own the dogs and (the dog’s) lack of socialization, or their use for particular guarding purposes,â€she said.

Nicholas Dodman, a Tufts University animal behavioral specialist and author of “Dogs Behaving Badly,†begs to differ. “A certain breed in the wrong hands can be as dangerous as a handgun,†he said. “Genetics does play a role and people who think it doesn’t are kidding themselves.

“The pit bull is notorious for a very hard bite. They are always No. 1 in the lethal dog bitearade,†he said. “The dog was bred for pit fighting. It was bred to never give up, to bite and hang on.â€


Worcester Sheriff Guy Glodis was attacked on the campaign trail in Milford by a German shepherd named Teddy as he walked up the dog owner’s driveway to ask for his vote.

“It locked his teeth into my arm. I still have scars on my forearm and fingers. I had to pry his mouth open,†said Glodis, who got 36 stitches after the September 2004 attack. “The worst thing is many of these dogs are repeat offenders,†he said. “The dog that bit me had bit four other people, all of which had to go to the hospital.â€

*Sigh* And now they bring German Shepherds into it... I think that article would have been great had they not dragged another breed into it to bash...Kinda hypocritical of them, no?


Bells Rule!
I think the whole thing is a Pit Bull, or any large breed dog for that matter, can kill you. A Pomeranian cannot. I'm not a Pit hater though. My sister has one that she raised 3 kids around and it's never shown aggression. Matter of fact, it cohabitates with a free range bunny and parrot... PEACEFULLY. It all has to do with how the owner(s) treat the dog.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
StormGecko said:
*Sigh* And now they bring German Shepherds into it... I think that article would have been great had they not dragged another breed into it to bash...Kinda hypocritical of them, no?

Sorry Jackie, I agree with you, Shepards are great dogs, if they weren't so big and hairy I would probably have one


Ok let's open up the can of worms. I am by no means a dog hater and have owned dogs all my life. This line in the artcile says it all, and no one ever seems to comment on the damaged inflicted vs quantity of bites.

“The pit bull is notorious for a very hard bite. They are always No. 1 in the lethal dog bite parade,” he said. “The dog was bred for pit fighting. It was bred to never give up, to bite and hang on.”

I have had dogs that bite as well, so the line about there are no bad dogs only bad owners doesn't wash. Once a dog bites I will guarante it will happen again( may not be for quiite a while). When a dog bites it needs to either be put down or muzzled. NO exceptions or you are setting yourself up for a lawsuit or worse(some gets seriously injured).

Now as far as pitbulls are concerned, they can inflict fatal wounds very quickly and do alot of damage very quickly. I know other other breeds can too but no where near what a pit bull can accomplish in the same time. My niece and sister each have a pitbull and every timje they bring them over my guard goes up immeditaley. The dogs get tied up and are not allowed to roam.

I know a lot of people will disagree with what I say but......

"Perception Is Reality"


Sorry Jackie, I agree with you, Shepards are great dogs, if they weren't so big and hairy I would probably have one

Oh, just for the record...I LOVE Pits! I fostered one for 4 months and he was one of the best dogs I've ever known!


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
NaughtyDawg said:
Now as far as pitbulls are concerned, they can inflict fatal wounds very quickly and do alot of damage very quickly. I know other other breeds can too but no where near what a pit bull can accomplish in the same time. My niece and sister each have a pitbull and every time they bring them over my guard goes up immediately. The dogs get tied up and are not allowed to roam.

Yes, I agree with this, they can do great damage, but, the main reason that I got stirred up on this is because a co-worker of mine believes that all Pit Bulls should be put down just because they are Pit Bulls, he believes that they are all bad dogs. And, he is not the only one that thinks this way obviously. And the main reason he thinks this is because of everything he hears in the news, he's never even been around a Pit Bull. A lot of times, when they say a Pit Bull attacked so an so, it wasn't even a Pit Bull, it was another dog that looks like a Pit Bull. I read an article about a so called "Pit Bull" attach and when I got to the picture I was floored, it was a Bull Dog, not a Pit Bull.

I have a paper that has approx 20 pictures of 20 different breeds of dogs on it, many look similar to Pit Bulls, it has 1 Pit Bull on it, and it says to pick out the Pit Bull, I have shown that picture so many times and not one person can pick the Pit Bull.

I was told by the people handing this out that it is on their website but I couldn't find it. I will try to find it again.

So, do SOME Pit Bulls attack people for no reason, yes, but so doesn't probably all the other breeds. And, yes, they do cause way more damage than any other breed. That is why they should only be owned by responsible people.

Just don't hate the whole breed.


these guys like to bite!

Smiling Kitty

We have a local veterinarian who thinks all pits and rotts and any mixes that have pit or rott in it should all be put down.

I have a friend who was attacked by his 8 y/o akita and had to have 204 stitches to his face and nose. When I was a kid, our neighbor was a policeman. He had a retired police dog, a German shepard. One morning while my sister & I were getting on the schoolbus it attacked us. I hit the dog on the nose with my Bionic Woman metal lunch box, the box flew open & food spilled out and that is what stopped that dog. He grabbed the sandwich. Later on that day my dad told the dog's owner what his dog had done. The neighber said he would take care of it. He shot the dog! We couldn't believe it. That dog was well trained and his owner even had him trained to hand signals. He lived in the house w/them and when he was outside he seldom left their yard and didn't bother anyone. I don't know what made him flip out that morning. He was a very old dog and was blind in one eye.

I think some of these dogs go senile when they get older. Especially when it's a family pet that attacks someone. My stepmother had a rott that died at age 9. She was the greatest dog, trained really well, did tons of tricks. But in about the last 2 years of her life, when grandchildren were over, that dog had to be tied up or locked in another room. She got all snappy around the kids, really scary. Even if an adult moved quickly around her, she was snappy too. I attribute that to old age.

The media always blows everything out of proportion. They have to sell papers and printing an article about good dogs won't sell many papers. But if they can sensationalize it, they'll sell like hotcakes. You also have people out there who believe everything they read and you could show them the 20 tricks your well trained pit does and they would still believe it is a bloodthirsty killer. Sad but true.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
There was a test study done on bite force of various animal species, dogs one of them. and your all going to find this shocking, and I doubt any of you will believe me, but, pitts dont have the strongest bite force of domestic dogs. Its rotties. It was on disocvery channel, it airs a few times a year, sometimes more during thigns like shark week.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
The NY Gecko said:
There was a test study done on bite force of various animal species, dogs one of them. and your all going to find this shocking, and I doubt any of you will believe me, but, pitts dont have the strongest bite force of domestic dogs. Its rotties. It was on disocvery channel, it airs a few times a year, sometimes more during thigns like shark week.

That MAY be true, depends on the dogs they used to test with. But a Pit Bull will take down a Rottie with no problem, because Pit Bulls are so much smarter at fighting that a Rottie, amongst other reasons

This does not mean that I condone (SP) Dog Fighting in any way


just to add my 2 cents..

although pits and rotties can cause serious damage, ive seen somewhere where a pomeranian killed a 6 month old baby.. and stories where cute and furry Sam the golden retriever has bitten the next door neighbor's kid... etc etc..but nonetheless.. fault really truely lies in the owner.

don't blame the pooch.. blame the owner.


While I always advocate the idea of disliking a dong and not the whole breed, we must remember that Pits were bred to fight and never give up. Some people still breed them that way and use them in fights.

Does that mean they should all be put down? No.

But It does mean that I, and many other have a hard time trusting a pit. Especially if I dont know anything about it. Id be more worried if a strange pit approached me than if a strange golden lab did.

“Genetics does play a role and people who think it doesn’t are kidding themselves."

I wish I wasnt allergic to dogs =\


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
No where in this thread I said that Pit Bulls didn't bite harder, never give up, etc. I just hate it when you see in the news "Pit Bull Attack" and it isn't even a Pit Bull! Pit Bulls are great dogs, and like EVERY other breed, you occassionaly get a dog that bites humans.

Like venamous snakes, Pit Bulls should only be owned by responsible people.


Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
In all honesty i do believe it is the owner that sets the dogs attitude.

They follow a pack instinct. You have to prove your dominance and show them you are the leader. Once a dog realizes this he will follow you, not perfectly or all the time mind you, but if you show you are dominant and in charge you have better control of the dog.

Example, one of my uncles has a dog that has very strong wolf blood in it, it looks just like a wolf but without all the size. It didn't really like kids, or rather maybe it did... Anyway it would get kind of snippy if it were alone or whatever, but as soon as my uncle appeared and said something, that dog would shy back a bit ears down and tail between the legs thing.

I mean, i am sure some of you have seen dog whisperer, it may look a bit strange and maybe a little mean, but in truth it is how dogs think...
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Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
Jeanne said:
That MAY be true, depends on the dogs they used to test with. But a Pit Bull will take down a Rottie with no problem, because Pit Bulls are so much smarter at fighting that a Rottie, amongst other reasons

This does not mean that I condone (SP) Dog Fighting in any way

if the pitbull was the same size as the rottie then yes, the pitbull would (most likely) win.

but most rotties weight 20 or more pounds than a pitbull.

before dog fighting was illegal they would fight their dogs by weight becuase when the dogs weigh around50 - 70 lbs, 5 pounds of muscle makes a big diferance in strength.

becuase of this most pitbulls that were bred before dog fighting was made illegal were actually much skinnier than pitbulls you see today. the taller lankey pitbull would have longer reach than another stouter dog of the same weight.

also, according to the old rules the dogs were constantly being handled by the owners, even mid-fight. dogs would have to be able to discriminate between the owner and another dog, even when it was totally in fight mode. dogs that couldnt do this were put down. nobody wants to be bitten by a pitbull.

sadly, when dog fighting was made illegal, people who had been doing the breeding for generations quit, and the people who picked it up were just cheap thugs.

people who fight their dogs today are horrible horrible people that

1) dont even know what a pitbull is supposed to look like (so they breed em super stocky)

2) do terrible mean things to their dogs that only hurt it and have nothing to do with making it a better fighter (ive personally heard of people hiring strangers to come beat their dogs, people feeding thier dogs gunpodwer wich amost pisses me off more than anything else its just so f*&*$% moronic)

3) end up producing dogs with bad tempermants and unreliable personalities.

not that i actualy condone dogfighting of any type. its all cruel, but the last 40 years since dogfighting has been made illegal and enforced has pretty much ruined the breed.

ok... way OT but i <3 pitbulls and i really wish the breed hadnt taken a direction than it has.
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Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
HepCatMoe said:
if the pitbull was the same size as the rottie then yes, the pitbull would (most likely) win.

but most rotties weight 20 or more pounds than a pitbull.

before dog fighting was illegal they would fight their dogs by weight becuase when the dogs weigh around50 - 70 lbs, 5 pounds of muscle makes a big diferance in strength.

becuase of this most pitbulls that were bred before dog fighting was made illegal were actually much skinnier than pitbulls you see today. the taller lankey pitbull would have longer reach than another stouter dog of the same weight.

also, according to the old rules the dogs were constantly being handled by the owners, even mid-fight. dogs would have to be able to discriminate between the owner and another dog, even when it was totally in fight mode. dogs that couldnt do this were put down. nobody wants to be bitten by a pitbull.

sadly, when dog fighting was made illegal, people who had been doing the breeding for generations quit, and the people who picked it up were just cheap thugs.

people who fight their dogs today are horrible horrible people that

1) dont even know what a pitbull is supposed to look like (so they breed em super stocky)

2) do terrible mean things to their dogs that only hurt it and have nothing to do with making it a better fighter (ive personally heard of people hiring strangers to come beat their dogs, people feeding thier dogs gunpodwer wich amost pisses me off more than anything else its just so f*&*$% moronic)

3) end up producing dogs with bad tempermants and unreliable personalities.

not that i actualy condone dogfighting of any type. its all cruel, but the last 40 years since dogfighting has been made illegal and enforced has pretty much ruined the breed.

ok... way OT but i <3 pitbulls and i really wish the breed hadnt taken a direction than it has.

We will have to just agree to disagree on a lot of this. I breed and show Pit Bulls, and they do still breed for the lean mucular look. You've obviously never been to an ADBA Pit Bull show.


frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
jeanne it all depends on how the dog was treated dosent matter what breed it is any dog can be aggressive if encouraged to do ti by the owner

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