Goodness gracious. Pitbulls were bred to NEVER EVER EVER bite a human. Dogs agressive to people were not bred when they were being created. The dogs were required to have supreme dedication to their owners. The reason they might be agressive in any way are irresponible owners. Most people buying pitts now-a-days are people looking to be "tough" or who have improper knowledge on dog training and handling as they are cheap and easy to get. Any dog is able to kill. No dog in any way should be trusted with children. They are ANIMALS. If I kid startles or irratates the dog it can bite, same as any other kind of animal. In my experience, the worst aggressive dogs are dalmations, and cockerspaniels. The nicest dogs I have ever met are pit bulls. Sadly, many pits are bought from irresponsible owners or breeders who have kept aggresive dogs in their lines. Reponsible pit breeders make sure their dogs are calm and not aggressive in anyway. They are a POWER breed, same as German Shepherds, Bulldogs, and Rotties. They must have a reponsible owner, but that still does not mean that they are in any way more dangerous than any other dog.