First Breeding!



My big girl Puka laid a set of unfertilized eggs last week, and in the hopes of getting some good ones later in the season, I put a couple males in with her. Nothing happened with the first one, a jungle tremper, but it only took about 15 minutes for the second male, a normal, to get to work. :D I didnt get any pictures, because I had left my camera out of reach and didnt want to move and upset them (and didnt want to miss it).

And my other thread asking on breeding size isnt about her ;) She's a healthy 63 grams.

Even if they are just normals, any hatchlings I get will be so cool! :D I cant wait!!

The next set of eggs she lays are going to be duds too right? How can I tell a good egg from an unfertilized one? I knew the last set werent good because she hadnt been housed with a male at all.

Thanks for any replies! :D Any tips are welcome too!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Whatever she lays, incubate it just in case. Some infertile eggs look like big water balloons and never get firm. If you incubate them, the infertile eggs will eventually shrivel and/or get moldy, though some may take many weeks before that happens.



Whatever she lays, incubate it just in case. Some infertile eggs look like big water balloons and never get firm. If you incubate them, the infertile eggs will eventually shrivel and/or get moldy, though some may take many weeks before that happens.


Thanks, I'll do that. :)



it only took about 15 minutes for the second male,
to get to work. any hatchlings I get will be so cool!
:D I cant wait!! Thanks for any replies!
:D Any tips are welcome too!

Hey Purra.
Then might I add a (non being wise) Tip?
How do you know she is bred?
I have found that "asking the female"
is the way to feel more assured of a job
well done.
No, I haven't developed a Talking Morph.
IMO seeing a breeding is not enough.
It's better to see her tell him....
"Enough mister, you done good. Now go away."
So, introduce her to him every 2 to 3 days
until you see her tell him.
(assuming they are not living together)
IMO she is now bred.
Take care. Hj


Gamer momma
Hey Purra.
Then might I add a (non being wise) Tip?
How do you know she is bred?
I have found that "asking the female"
is the way to feel more assured of a job
well done.
No, I haven't developed a Talking Morph.
IMO seeing a breeding is not enough.
It's better to see her tell him....
"Enough mister, you done good. Now go away."
So, introduce her to him every 2 to 3 days
until you see her tell him.
(assuming they are not living together)
IMO she is now bred.
Take care. Hj

That's a really good idea. I didn't even think of that possibility. Very good tip!



I am new to Leo breeding as well, and while I was doing some research about infertile eggs, I found a site (I wish I could remember it but can't for he life of me) that suggested putting a flash light under the egg after a week or two and see if you can see anything. I myself wouldn't throw away an egg calling it "infertile" until I saw it mold or wither, at least until I am a bit more experinced :D

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