My big girl Puka laid a set of unfertilized eggs last week, and in the hopes of getting some good ones later in the season, I put a couple males in with her. Nothing happened with the first one, a jungle tremper, but it only took about 15 minutes for the second male, a normal, to get to work.
I didnt get any pictures, because I had left my camera out of reach and didnt want to move and upset them (and didnt want to miss it).
And my other thread asking on breeding size isnt about her
She's a healthy 63 grams.
Even if they are just normals, any hatchlings I get will be so cool!
I cant wait!!
The next set of eggs she lays are going to be duds too right? How can I tell a good egg from an unfertilized one? I knew the last set werent good because she hadnt been housed with a male at all.
Thanks for any replies!
Any tips are welcome too!
And my other thread asking on breeding size isnt about her
Even if they are just normals, any hatchlings I get will be so cool!
The next set of eggs she lays are going to be duds too right? How can I tell a good egg from an unfertilized one? I knew the last set werent good because she hadnt been housed with a male at all.
Thanks for any replies!