First hatch of the season!

Geckked Out

New Member
Hey, Congrats!

I was hoping you might be able to help me out? My female hasn't produced her first clutch yet. I just introduced the male about a week ago and her stomach has gotten a lot bigger in the last couple of days (I can see the outline of something in her belly) Is it possible for these eggs to be fertile? Or will this clutch be infertile? Sorry for the bother, let me know what you think! :)
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New Member
Hey gekked out I don't mind helping at at all but next time start a new thread because I'm still looking for answers on this thread for myself. If your female is indeed pregnant it is very possible for the eggs to be fertile. It depends on if she is a first time breeder or not also if your male got the job done on the first try. Try searching the thread for any more questions about the topic you still have or start a new thread.

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