first leopard gecko shed


New Member
ok so i woke up this morning to find my leo with the skin on her tail shedded it is hanging sort of loose everywhere else is there stuff i can do to help this ???
im worried the shed wont come of evwerywhere


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Just make sure that she has a humid hide and give her a couple of days to see if she finishes shedding by herself. If she doesn't get it all off you can soak her for a few minutes to soften the skin and then gently remove it.


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
can i make a suggestion mel?.I wouldnt wait a couple of days to remove shed,especially the can get away with waiting a couple of days with the body or head,but i wouldnt wait on the toes.Just my opinion


New Member
Moss Beach, CA
can i make a suggestion mel?.I wouldnt wait a couple of days to remove shed,especially the can get away with waiting a couple of days with the body or head,but i wouldnt wait on the toes.Just my opinion

Our leo has two toes that have skin hanging off that does not want to come off. What would be the best way to "soak" them? I tried to put her in a shallow dish of water once before, but she tried to get out as soon as I put her in. Is it best to put her in a covered container and let her sit for a bit?

Grip Fast

Redmond, Wa
i have one Leo that can't seem to get shedding right:main_angry: he just refuses to go in his humid hide and always ends up with shed skin on his feet not just toes, he does not eat his shed skin either what a mess! i always end up putting him in a container with a warm soaking wet paper towel for 5-10 min. then i have to carefully pull off the shed skin. you will now it is ready to come off when it is very soft and flexible if it is not then back in to the container for more steaming !


New Member
I use a little plastic fish tank to bathe my leos, just put a few centimeters of warm water in the bottom, put the lid on as it seems to stop them stressing and trying to get out and just leave em for 10 mins or so.

I consider myself lucky that my geckos seem to have some kind of trust in me and will let me help them take stuck skin off them.

A few times just recently ive had 2 of mine have trouble with it stuck on their heads and on their eyelids. They will rub and rub and rub on stuff to get it off with no luck so i just carefully grab a piece of the skin and they will pull or shake their head till it comes off, teamwork :main_thumbsup:

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