First Leopard Gecko!


New Member
Finally got a gecko! picked him up at pets@home yesterday evening. He's apparently a "Blazing Blizzard" morph and is around 5 months old. He's eating well and is a wee bit feisty (had a nip at me when putting food in earlier). got him home by half 7 last night and for the first hour or so he hid in his habba hut but when the room lights went off and he only had his red tank bulb on he was running about munching mealworms (15 mini's in total) and climbing everything.

Also picked up my first box of mealworms when i got him and they stank to high heaven so i ended up sitting for a few hours and separating all the pupae, dead and live ones. put the live ones into a fresh box of oats with some slices of carrot and the smell dissipated.

Overall i'm really happy with him and how things are going to go, he looks happy and is at least eating well!



New Member
Hi av heard alot of bad things about pets@home and it didnt look to good when i went to it but the gecko looks really nice and healthy


New Member
Hey Welcome and Congratulations on your BIG new guy, he's awesome, love that white, Looks like SNOW, :D:main_laugh::main_thumbsup:


New Member
Thanks guys! I think i've been bitten by the bug!

He's been sleeping 90% of today in his cold hide, turned 7pm and he popped out for a wee wander around the cage. Bought some medium silent crickets today and fed him 6 one after the other and he absolutely loves them but i never wanted to overdo it.

I'm gonna leave it a few days before trying to handle him, he let me stroke him earlier but i dont want to stress him out.

also can anyone give me a 100% answer on the morph? been told its a blazing blizzard


New Member
I'd say it's blazing blizzard! Sounds like he's doing really well. I'd wait at least 3-4 days to handle him. :) He looks great though!
You should be warned, the gecko bug is violently catching and there is no cure. I have 2 because that's the max I'm allowed to have, but I LOVE them. They are really fantastic pets. And so beautiful! There are so many varieties. :) Before long I'll bet you'll have another. There's just something about their smile and color that gets you!


New Member
thanks guys! another update and its a biggie. after doing some research into the blizzard morph i heard so many bad reviews about their temperament and kind of weirded myself out after him having a wee snap at me. Today however was a completely different matter, after i had fed him (6 medium crickets) he was up at the glass looking out, i decided if i was going to get bitten i may aswell get it over and done with to at least experience it. So i slid the glass open and put my hand level with the runners and he crawled right onto my hand and all the way up my arm. He crawled along my girlfriend's hands and then back onto mines. we did this next to the viv so we could put him back should he react badly but he was very placid and extremely handleable.

overall I'm over the moon about this as it's the first barrier broken and doing research isn't always the best thing to do as it made me very apprehensive.

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