She may just be off season...and the season is still young. I don't do anything to stimulate ovulation or anything. I feel that when and if the geckos are ready they will let you know. I think once we do all sorts of things to stimulate breeding then we are taking their health secondary to the potential of profit...JMHO (which im not saying your doing or intending on doing). Give her time and you can always introduce a male and see how she responds to that.
Yeah, I know. I am not at all in a hurry for eggs to arrive. I just was wondering and I want to make sure that I am prepared for them. The last thing i want to do is change the natural flow of things. I want to make sure that i know all i can before hand.
I know physically she will be ready once she starts; really fat tail, lots of calcium available, a large humidity hide ready, etc.