Floyd here ... First time listener, First time poster.



Hey y'all. Just got me a Leopard Gecko. He's about 7-8 weeks old and I think he's a Rainwater Albino (but I would love to hear from those who know better than me).

He was offered to me by a friend who keeps and recently bred Leapord Geckos. I have had lizards as a kid (My mom likes to tell everyone how, when I was 8, I always used say I wanted to be Herpetologist when I grew up) ... I had Anoles, Salamanders, Painted Turtles, an Iguana and various frogs.

The first impression of my Gecko Floyd, is that he is more alert, curious, aware, and, if I may say , 'doglike' than any of the other reptiles or amphibians I've kept before. After 2 days, he could recognize the cricket-keeper and will focus intently on it whenever its within view. His tail gets twitching even as I bring a cricket towards the terrarrium.

He's still pretty skittish when I go to pick him up, which I think is pretty normal, so I'm going easy on the handling. I do make sure that my hand's always in and around his tank though to just get him used to me. Speaking of which, I've got an idea and I'm wondering if anyone else has tried training a Leo? My plan is to start always picking him up before I feed him. I figure that he will pretty quickly get conditioned to get in my hand readily in anticipation of a feeding. Sound reasonable?

Anyways, its great to find a good community devoted to these great little creatures and I hope to be solid contributer to it. Here's some pics of the li'l guy.




New Member
Lake Berryessa/Napa, Calif
Hi and welcome to GF. With snakes that would not be a good ideal but with leopards I don't know. Even when its not feeding time, I will randomly pick a tub or tank and hold one of my leopard geckos. Your leopard looks very alert and healthy. Good luck with him.


Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
I do too, I handle my geckos very often for weighing and taking pictures, plus for just loving them too ;) I would imagine that if you only handled him right before feeing, it would probably train him to do that, but you can get him used to you by just handling him more and more often gradually :)

Welcome to the forums! You're gecko is very beautiful :smitten:


Well that's two of you who seem to agree that he (I'm guessing he's a 'he' because of the incubation temps) is a Rainwater and 0 who disagree. After scouring through lots of pics though I have seen a lot of Trempers that look like him. How do you tell them apart? Is it to early with him?


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Rainwaters commonly have the pink body color and pastel yellow bands yous has. I guess that's not a great explanation as it could describe many geckos...lol. From these photos the eyes look dark like a RW as well. Try to get some more pics of it's eyes, especially the pupils, and post them in the Morphs and Genetics section.


waaaazzzzzapening floyd!!!

floyd looks amazing brother....


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