For Pete's Sake



a rant and a rave

How can people in todays society be so ignorant. So utterly stupid to even judge people on their heritage. In todays age? please? why? just an explaination thats all I ask.

My girlfriends father sat at the dinner table tonight and told me I was, quote on quote, "un-american". why? because I prounce it 'mum' instead of 'mom' or 'swat' instead of 'sweat'. Having a welsh family I adopted the accent. growing up and listening to them, thats all i had to base speach off of. Does that in any f*%&ing circumstance prevent me from being american? Even if he was just poking fun I personally find that a tad offensive. Sure I'm proud to support my heritage, but not to the point I consider myself more welsh than american. I dont think the "cheeky" british accent with-holds my citizenship.

And above all, how is that any different from judging somebody by their skin color?



New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Ah man sorry to hear that Nathan. Unfortunately, right now a lot of Americans are acting the way your girlfriend's father is. It's no excuse regardless of what else is going on in the world for him to say things like that, but it seems to be the norm right now.

I remember when I was a summer counselor for the YMCA summer camp down in Miami, FL. I had sent a note home with one of the children we were having problems with asking one of the parents to come in for a talk. The mother came in, asked me in perfect english if I was Felicia. I think she assumed by my name that I was hispanic. She then started to speak to me in spanish, and I quickly told her I didn't speak spanish. At this point she got irate and told me that since I lived in Miami I should speak spanish. Oh no she didn't just say that to me!!! I told her "Look lady this is the United State of America and we speak ENGLISH, if you don't like it go back where you came from!" This was in the mid 80s and tension was widespread between English speaking Americans and Hispanics that had flooded into Miami. I have not been back to Miami in 16 years, who knows, maybe things have changed.

I guess my point is with all that is going on that we should all be more understanding to other Americans and not judge them due to an accent they may have. BTW I think mum is a cute way to say mom!!!


thanks Felicia,

Whats worse is that Courtney thought I was upset with her aswell. which ofcourse I realize non of it is her fault. So now ive got to back track and make things right for my rave.

just got me all flustered.


frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
nathan we are just in atense time and yes sometimes people assume beacause of an accent or a name or what you look like that they can say whtever they want it wont be considered an insult or offensive remark

Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
I am going to be honest here so please dont take offence...

The problem with this country now is this rediculous political correctness... People need to grow a thicker skin and to stop getting offended when someone says what they think might be the wrong thing... I get judged on a daily basis... I have tattoos and peircings and I have a really thick NY accent... Do I care if some people look at me funny??? No!!! Do you know how many people have asked me if I was ever in jail or if I have ever had a drug problem... Some have even assumed I was a big pot smoker or drinker... Ya know what?? I let it go and I really dont care what the next person thinks of me because I know what and who I am...

Nate, you know you are an American so why should you get upset or offended if someone makes a silly comment like that... He was most likely breakin your balls and being a funny guy...

This Country is getting so wussified it is sad...

My only advice to you Nathan, is to toughen up because there will be plenty of judgements passed at you in life... Should anyone really judge??? No!! People should not kill eachother either... But the fact is people do judge and its part of life and growing up...

I dont know... They dont make kids like they used to, thats for sure...

Besides all that, if someone says something I really dont like, I pound their face into a bloody pulp... LOL J/K...
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Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
I have to agree with Gregg, who cares what others think? As long as you know who you are and you are proud of it then who gives a damn what others think of you. I get strange looks alot too, just because of how I look and act (basically a goofball) and for all those people who are judgemental about it, o well let them assume what they like, their loss not mine :D.


No One of Consequence
Don't you sort of think you were asking for it too nathan?

Afterall, pretending to be something you're not and then getting called out for it hardly leaves you in a good position to whine about it.

If you don't like it so much, don't do it anymore OR, like Gregg said, toughen up and get over it.


Gregg, I understand where your coming from. And after sleeping on it I do realize I over reacted. I still think what he said was wrong, but I still blew a tad out of the water. Personally I do laugh at the politics, and all the people that make such a big deal out of small things like illegal Aliens, etc. Somethings that arent much different from last night's situation. So by all means I dont take offense to what your saying.

wilomn said:
Don't you sort of think you were asking for it too nathan?

Afterall, pretending to be something you're not and then getting called out for it hardly leaves you in a good position to whine about it.

If you don't like it so much, don't do it anymore OR, like Gregg said, toughen up and get over it.

This I find a bit fishy. Reading that right off the bat, I personally thought you were an a**. I'm sure im not the only one :main_robin: .

Ill assume thats not how you wanted your statement to sound. ;)

Asking for it? ofcourse not. Pretending I'm something I'm not? Now just come on. If anything thats worse than what I received last night.

I wont jump on this, and make a big deal. Can't do that twice in a weeks time. But really, thats like asking someone to change there skin color. Or their beliefs. Kind of like forcing someone to change. If I recall correctly a man by the name of Hitler tried to pull that stunt on a complete population.

The bottom line is that I could put stress on my speech, and Enunciate like the american norm. But is that right? Because I can put my bets on the fact that my normal speach will leak out the first time I get into a paced conversation. I shouldn't have to adapt. And if I did, my family and myself would probably be back in wales. Instead (like Gregg insisted) I'll build a bridge from my cross and get over it. Like millions of people have. Can't say that its absolutely right. But theres not a whole lot you can do to stop the ignorance bleeding through other peoples ears.

you just have to decide if your one of those ignorant people too.
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The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
It does suck when someone is judged by what they look or sound like. To me speech isn't a big deal. I don't judge on skin color, I usually wait for the person to do something or say something to form an opinion. It'll happen more though, you can count on it. However, your accent could possibly go away with time. I know a few kids who were born in other countries and their accents have disappeared. Regardless, be ready for it, it'll happen, and people will continue to be ignorant and judge you for it. Take solace in the fact your more intelligent than them. That or like Gregg said, knock em out.

wilomn said:
Don't you sort of think you were asking for it too nathan?

Afterall, pretending to be something you're not and then getting called out for it hardly leaves you in a good position to whine about it.

If you don't like it so much, don't do it anymore OR, like Gregg said, toughen up and get over it.

I fail to see what he was pretending to be here. It seems like you have something against the younger generation. You seem to think I'm phony and you think hes pretending to be something hes not. Let me guess, you were the golden boy in high school but now the shoes on the other foot and your upset.

Nastynotch said:
This I find a bit fishy. Reading that right off the bat, I personally thought you were an a**. I'm sure im not the only one.

Nope, your not alone.
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Let's Go Bears!
We unfortunately live in a world where everyone will be judged no matter what you are or do. Being of Mexican descent, I have been told by strangers to go back to where I came from. Obviously that wouldn't make sense since I was born in Chicago.:p People wonder why my name is Greg instead of Juan or Miguel or why I have freckles. I get asked stupid questions like that all the time. I just learn to brush them off. When it comes to friends and family, we poke fun at each other all the time. My brother-in-law is white and we tease each other on our cultural differences. It won't go overboard in terms of calling each other derrogatory names but we have fun.

Like Gregg said, depending on who you're talking to, roll with the punches or throw one:main_thumbsup: .

Ian S.

Active Member
gaparicio said:
Like Gregg said, depending on who you're talking to, roll with the punches or throw one:main_thumbsup: .
Couldn't have said it better.:main_thumbsup:

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