Frill-Neck Dragon


Pittsburgh, PA

I was picking up some new new carpet the other day in a PetCo and came across what the decription read "Indonesian Frilled Dragon - $499"

To say the least thing was extremely awesome. I know the one lady and she said it's going on sale next week because they have failed to sell him over the last month and are going to cut it down to $179. I'm trying to find any information on this particular lizard and have failed to name it with 100% certainty. I have looked for images and come across with all different "morphs" or I could just be in a completely wrong species. The attachment below is what the dragon in store looks like(black and white). HOWEVER the store reads INDONESIAN and I am reading the frill-neck or frilled-neck are native to Australia and when I find the pictures of these things they are green and blueish and not really the same texture as the one in the store. Need help please!
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Well the problem with Frills is most non austrailian species are WC from Indonesia just because taking animals out of austrailia is EXTREMELY illegal. MOst likely unless stated other wise it is WC. Which means if you do decide to purchase you will need to get rid of any parasites it may have. Pure Australian CB in America Frills go for a pretty penny. So just be carefull with your purchase. Does it look healthy? Does it eat? ect. They are quite wonderful as pets... more personality then other dragons like beardeds. They actually can get pissed lol. I do not personally have one but I hope to in time.


Pittsburgh, PA
Honestly it was better than holding a beardie. I have limited experience with friend's and coworker's beardies but this little feller was awesome. He/she opened up because I assume was frightened at first but then jumped right into my palm and did not want to get off of my palm after i tried to place it back in the 30gal tank. (Still tiny maybe 12 or 13 inches, so a baby)

I've been keeping an eye on him for the last month and he/she just is getter better and better looking. I don't even have a price to compare really. I know that this is $499 and to get it for $179 is a deal it seems at least in my mind. (I'm only basing this off of the fact you can walk in and buy a whatchamacallit morph leo for $15 on sale and $24 normally)

Seems like the man who has more tattoos than an entire rock band who takes care of them really does know his stuff when it comes to leos at least, so I have no reason to think otherwise. Def would be kept in another part of my house. I wouldn't want it in the same room as my others. :)

Thanks for the information as it was EXTREMELY valuable to me. Take care.


New Member
New York
Your much better of getting a CB baby, I see CB babies online all the time for like $200. They get pretty big and require alot of room.


Hey i say go for it! They are awesome animals. Make sure to get a nice tall enclosure. Like 4 by 2 by 4 would be the minimum they are awesome climbers. Actually I see you live in PA if you go to the Hamburg show theres a guy there that sells Huge logs of light weight cork bark which would be awesome to put vertical in the tank for some basking spots. He also sells large slabs of it aswell, pretty cheap too. I'm goin to the show in October let me know if you are goin and need a shopping buddy! lol. Good Luck!


I've heard of cb on a Petco before. What usually happens is they ask some extremely high price then end up discounting them way down. I bet it is cb or ch at least.

Care is same as the Australian form. Last Bearded Dragon Manual has a whole chapter on them. They like big cages though when adult. High with climbing branches. Some really tame down, but don't get bit with their "fangs". They are smart enough to come and take food from you when adult and out of the everything eats me stage.

One of the smarter agamids, but they do suffer in small cages if you try to cram them in when adults.
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