Fuck. I just can't win.


I'm baaaaaack!
I am so pissed off I can see my pulse in my eyeballs.

I had to turn off my main computer so that I could move it for the furniture delivery people today. It won't turn back on. It keeps giving me some "DNTRL" crap or something saying that it needs to be restarted. WTF. I can't even get to windows. I SWEAR it's because of something the fucker from GeekSquad did. I tried calling them, and after being on hold for FIFTEEN minutes they hung up on me.

It gets better.

Because of how they set up my "network" neither of my other computers can get online or print unless the main computer is on and running. So it's back to wandering around the house trying to get an insecure signal on the laptop, which is really difficult because of the new security software shit that GeekTard installed.

I am so fucking sick of this stupid bullshit. Fuck this. I might as well buy a disposable camera and start mailing 3 x 5 photos of available geckos through the mail. I guess it'd be a good time to buy another roll of fucking stamps.

Do you ever get so pissed off that you start shaking?


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
PaulSage said:
Do you ever get so pissed off that you start shaking?
Yes! But right now that is not what you need to do, YOU need to sit back, calm down and think about your health.

Your move has been rough and has sucked a lot at times but the move part is over, then your truck got hit, then your heart problem so they say it comes in threes and your one over the limit with this comptuer thing, so if this is the worst of what's left take it and let it go.

I know it sucks, but I honestly think you need to be more worried about you than a damn computer.

Now that I have that out, remember when I moved my computer form the bedroom to the living room and it took me a few days to get it back up, then the power blinked and it took me a couple of days again but I got it back up each time and you will too so take a deep breath and things will be OK!
Last edited:


I'm baaaaaack!
Thanks to Kelli and my brother, my computer works again.

The assholes at Geektards aren't going to know what hit them when I waltz on into Best Buy tomorrow.


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
See Paul, it is fixed.

Damn it, I know you got angry, upset and plum flat out pissed off but if you want to protect your health you are going to have to let some of this -- It can be fixed, maybe not right now, but it will not ruin my life stuff go -- PLEASE

Take care of you then worry about the other stuff!


I'm baaaaaack!
I think someone upstairs is watching out for me. I had to find the XP startup disk that came with my computer. I doubted that I even had it, much less had any idea where the hell it was. There are 16 boxes of miscellaneous shit (files, papers, random disks and computer shit, more files, some books, more files) in my office. The VERY FIRST one I popped the lid off of had it right there on top in an Alienware folder that I SWEAR I've never even seen before. What the fuck are the odds of that?!?


I'm baaaaaack!
dragonflyreptiles said:
See Paul, it is fixed.

Damn it, I know you got angry, upset and plum flat out pissed off but if you want to protect your health you are going to have to let some of this -- It can be fixed, maybe not right now, but it will not ruin my life stuff go -- PLEASE

Take care of you then worry about the other stuff!

I should really get a prescription for valium for times like this. lol When I was talking to my brother, he actually said "Dude, settle the fuck down. You're not Italian." :main_laugh:


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
lol Well maybe you are part Itilian don't know it.

But for real, and I mean it, you have to take care of yourself and stop letting things like that get you that ticked!

as for geektards, I know you paid them a lot of money to do a job and Id ask for some kind of a refund or something!

Up here (weird to say UP here since Ive said DOWN here to you for so damn long) we call them scooby snacks lol

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Paul said potty mouth! LOL

Seriously Paul, your comment to the kid asking why we breed morphs had both me and Eric busting a gut. That was the best responce EVER!


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Maybe you need to install a punching bad in your house to blow off a little steam. I used to get really angry when the computer was giving me fits, now I just cry...I'm not sure which is worse. That's why I haven't even tried to list any geckos for sale. I can't deal with taking pictures, fixing pictures, updating the piece of shit website, and posting ads. I vote we just take a break from selling geckos for a while! lol


New Member
Central California
Paul, try to find something - like a particular song or something - that will help you relax. When you feel yourself boiling over focus on only that song and breathing. It helps me when I'm stressed - it also really helped when I was in labor - lol! In college I used to put certain songs on full volume when I was really pissed, now quieter is usually better. Seriously, do not let yourself get that worked up!! Some stupid computer - or geektard - is not worth compromising your health!

I also find that staying away from trolling threads helps. But now I have to go see what you said!! ;)

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