Future leo owner - first timer questions


Western NY

I'm in the processing of looking into everything I'll need to provide a leo a good home. I'm pretty set on what to provide in terms of housing but need some help with the specifics.

Here's what I'm planning so far:
- planning to start with 2 leos
- looking at 20 gal tank
- planning to use slate/ceramic tile for substrate
- have read up on the need for warm/cool/humid hides
- would like to use UTH for heat
- have been reading up on thermostats

My questions are around the UTH and thermostats.

For UTH, most that I've come across when shopping around say they'll raise the tank 20 degrees above room temperature. I'm concerned I may need something to go warmer because in the winters in western new york, it gets pretty cold and my house temps are in the 60s some times. Can anyone recommend a good UTH for these type of conditions? I'm not sure if I should get a heat pad or heat tape. I'm open to any suggestions.

On the thermostat question - I was looking at a getting a herpstat. First question is if this is a good brand or any other recommendations.

Second question is on where to attach the heat sensor. The net is saturated with info on leos and I've ready various things about measuring the temp of the surface on the warm side of the tank , measuring the temp of the hide on the warm side, ect ect and what the temps should be. I could really use some guidance here.

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Staff member
Somerville, MA
I live near Boston and in the winter during the day my room temps may get as low as 60. I use a Zoomed heat mat and also put aluminum foil under it (so the heat mat is sandwiched between the aluminum foil and the bottom of the tank) to direct more of the heat upwards. I have had geckos for 7 years now, and although they may get a little sluggish in the winter, they do fine. I try to put the probe on the floor of the tank on the warm side near or inside the warm hide. I do this because I know that the warm hide can trap hot air and I don't want it to get too hot. I'm not familliar with the herpstat; I use Alife or ESU thermostats.



Western NY
Thanks for the reply acpart. Question on putting the probe in the tank - do you do anything special to ensure that your leos don't dislodge the probe or get tangled up in it?



New Member
I live in Canada, and the past winter my heat actually broke down for three days. It was cold but i have my UTH hooked up to a dimmer switch. So i was able to adjust the temp in the cage rather easy. I use a digital thermometer also. They made it through with no problems. I just turned the dial up and kept them nice and warm...


Western NY
Thanks for the great feedback everyone. I'll have to look into the ultratherms - I have not stumbled across them yet.

A few more questions:

I am planning to use a thermostat to control the temp but I read some place that the best setup is to have a thermostat controlling a dimmer which is connected to the UTH.

outlet > thermostat > dimmer > uth

I was just going to use a thermostat but is the above approach recommended?

Also, I'm planning to use a digital thermometer with a probe to monitor temp. Should I have one for each side (warm and cold)?

Thanks again


Staff member
Somerville, MA
If you have a thermostat, you don't need a dimmer because the thermostat will do all the work controlling the temperature. Personally I don't monitor the temp on the cool side because what am I going to do about it? If they get cold over there, they can go to the hot side.


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