Gecko always wants to escape after new cage and new companion


New Member
Hello fellow Leo enthusiasts! This is my first post. I have a problem/question:

I purchased a leopard gecko on Craigslist and had her in a 15 gal cage for about 4 months by herself. She is about 1 year old and I had to handle her a lot before she would remain relaxed during handling. She has a habit of trying to get to the floor off by climbing to my knee and jumping but its not a really big deal. I think she likes to explore on the floor.

Two weeks ago I purchased a younger leopard gecko who is also a female. She is about 2/3 the size of the older one. I introduced them to each other in their brand new 20 gal cage. Since then the older one spends most of her active hours trying to climb up the wall. Obviously she will never climb up the glass and get out but it is sort of upsetting that she spends so much energy trying to escape the cage.

Is this a sign she is stressed out? This is totally new behavior. I never notice conflict between the geckos and they are both eating large crickets, although the young one is much better at catching and eating them. I'm not sure whats going on.

Is there anything I can do to make the older one happier?


Wonder Reptiles
First, geckos of different sizes should never be housed together. Second, all new geckos need to be quantined for at least 90 days before theyre introduced to any others.

I highly recommend you seperate them. Geckos dont enjoy "companions". Another gecko is just seen as compitition and stresses them out.


New Member
First, geckos of different sizes should never be housed together. Second, all new geckos need to be quantined for at least 90 days before theyre introduced to any others.

I highly recommend you seperate them. Geckos dont enjoy "companions". Another gecko is just seen as compitition and stresses them out.

Well said. But she is probably marking her scent in the cage now that there is another not trying to dig out.

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