I had a fertile egg incubating for almost 2 months when the other day i noticed there was an indent. I thought it was about to hatch but it didnt so i thought it may be dehydrated. so...i covered the egg in the hatchrite substrate it was in and the sprayed some distilled water over the top of the substrate. 2-3 days later i un-covered it and it was back to normal(no indent) so i let it sit for a while in its semi-moist substrate. 3 days ago i noticed it was turning a gray and dark greenish color and i thought it was about to hatch. It then grew mold on it and began to smell. I disposed of it but not before cutting it open. when i cut it open i was amazed to find a dead baby leopard gecko but its feet were not fully developed, everything else was. pretty gruesome i know, does anyone have an idea as to why this could have happened. This is my first live gecko egg as my females keep laying infertile eggs.