Gecko Newbie


New Member
Hi all, I'm here gathering information because I'm interested in getting a few Crested Geckos. I'd like to put them in some old tanks I have lying around and they seem so damn awesome :)
I currently keep Green Anoles, a Rankin's Dragon and Hermit Crabs.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome. I was interested in Rankin's dragon at one time and it led me to getting a beardie instead. I have one crestie and I like him fine, but have discovered I'm more interested in gargoyle geckos. Remember if you're using old tanks you have, you'll have to adapt them to be vertical since cresties are arboreal geckos.



New Member
St. Paul
Welcome! I don't have any crested geckos (yet) but they seem really awesome and easy to take care of. Good luck :)

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
Welcome to the forum William :)

How big are your old tanks?
Like Acpart said, crested geckos are arboreal, so they need a vertical setup.
I just googled rankin's dragon, and it seems like they're just smaller versions of bearded dragons.
I also seem to like gargoyle geckos a little more, but I've never kept either crested or gargoyle geckos.
Only leopard geckos for me :)


New Member
Thanks for the warm welcome. I currently have a 2 1/2 gallon that I was planning to use if I got a baby then moving on to an Exo Terra 12x12x18. I ultimately plan on using a 18x18x24, which I would purchase when the time comes.

I originally wanted a regular beardie, but everyone kept saying 40 breeder is bare minimum and 4'x2'x2' is recommended. I don't have space for a tank that size and I figured a Rankin is a bit different anyhow, so I settled on Gimli. He's just about at his max height at 10 1/2'' and seems to have all the personality of a regular beardie. Also doesn't eat nearly as much. I read about people feeding up to 70 crickets per day...I have children to feed :)

I became interested in the Cresteds over leopards because I had the vertical tank lying around and they require no additional lighting (UVB) and the food requirements are not too bad.
Amazing how different each species is and how they all have their own personalities. My wife wants a chameleon next and a friend was just telling me how wonderful her horned mountain dragon is--it never ends does it!?!


New Member
St. Paul
It never does end, the more I get the more I want! I have 3 species of geckos and want more gecko species (and more of the species i have), some snakes and a skink

Caleb C

New Member
Hacienda Heights, Ca
Leopard geckos are nocturnal, so they don't need uvb. They're relatively cheap after you get the tank set up, you just need to buy mealworms and crickets, possibly roaches and other insects.
2.5 gallons is too small, and I don't think it could be converted into a vertical tank. I'd recommend getting a tank the size an adult would need, it will save you money in the long run.
I don't think beardies even eat 70 crickets a day, lol. It depends on the size of the food items.
Although it's true that every species varies in personalities, individual species vary in personality as well. I have 4 leopard geckos, and everyone one of them have completely different personalities. Some species are more docile than others, like african fat tailed geckos. If you're not 100% sure what to get, do more research and look at pictures. See which ones require care that you can handle, and which ones you think are cuter.

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