Gecko Newbie


New Member
Hi everyone! Not sure how my daughter (5 yrs old) got obsessed with Gecko's, but that's all she kept asking for for X-mas. My wife and I have both had a lot of pets (currently have 3 dogs) but neither of us have had reptiles. We decided to jump in and do this (knowing our daughter is not even close to an age to actually take care of a pet like this and that we would get stuck with the work)!
I found out one of my employees had a couple aquariums she didn't want anymore, so I got them for a great deal. We ended up going with the 60 gallon because I've always felt bad for animals trapped in small aquariums. We picked up 2 beautiful Leo's from +++++, I don't know how old they are (definitely young), or even what sex they are?!?!
Things DID NOT start off well at all. The evening of the day we got them, I couldn't find the albino. I went with sand on the bottom of the tank (which after researching discovered is a no-no) so I thought he/she maybe buried in the sand, or was way up inside the hollow tree cover I picked up. The aquarium had about 6-8" from the highest point of the tree to the top of the aquarium which had a screen (had to rig it up and there was a small gap in the middle), so I thought it was safe.
The next morning I still didn't see him/her and got worried. While researching whether or not they bury themselves, I discovered the risks of impaction so I decided to dig for him, and also remove the sand. I first felt all throughout the sand and didn't feel anything. I then took a small cup and started scooping out the sand 1 by one, and no Leo to be found!! It completely blows my mind how he got out, but he obviously did.
We had the whole setup in the basement for the time being until Christmas came, so it just so happened to be in our laundry/utility room with the most clutter of any room in the house of course. We emptied as much as possible from the room and went through all of the clothes and blankets 1 by one. However, we didn't go through every pocket. I put a "hide" in the middle of the floor and a plate of meal worms, but it's been since Saturday night and no sign of him yet (looks like all the mealworms are still there). We are just devastated and feel horrible for the little guy. I've done some research and have heard of a few little tricks, so we'll see what happens. I keep thinking he's stayed downstairs but there's really no telling! I haven't checked my mother in laws room much in the basement because 2 of our 3 dogs sleep in there at night so I figured he would probably avoid that room. I'm just at a loss and want to find him so bad!!
Anyway, we felt bad for the other one so I went and got 1 more from the same batch at +++++. I guess if the Albino turns up we'll have 3. Which then poses my next question:
I was told you can't determine their sex until they are older, but I'm concerned if I find the other one, if 2 of them are males and 1 female?
We gave them to my daughter for Christmas today (well actually Santa did) and she LOVES THEM!! We decided not to tell her about the MIA Gecko......we will cross that bridge if/when we find him. We are a little over paranoid about the whole salmonella thing, so we're not going to let her handle them much, but I'm wondering if they get a little easier to handle as they get older? I'm sure they are just scared as hell right now, but they are not easy to hold onto and I fear we'll end up losing another one!!
Anyway, I'm a complete Newbie and probably should have done more research before diving in, but I am excited and just want to be a good Gecko owner! Any feedback or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

Tongue Flicker

Hardcore Animal Lover
Madina't Isa, Bahrain
Haha great daughter. Welcome aboard! :)

Some geckos tend to tolerate handling more as they age but some are just iffy by even our mere presence. Some grow old never wanting to be handled but all these are just normal as individual geckos have their own personalities :)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF and the world of geckos. There's lots to read and learn as you're finding out. Google "sexing leopard geckos" and look at pictures. It can be hard to tell for quite awhile. I'm having trouble sexing my hatchlings at the moment but usually the males aren't "interested" until they look male.

Check out the leopard gecko care sheet on my website (Geckcessories | Leopard Geckos and Ceramic Gecko Accessories). It has some suggestions for activities kids can do with their geckos as well as observation questions for the kids for the time when they can't be handled too much.
I sold a gecko my first season to a family with an 8 year old daughter and two 5 year olds. The twins are now 13 and one in particular still spends time with the gecko. It's a good investment.


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