Gecko Time: Keeping Leopard Geckos as an articist science


New Member
Nice intro to the project. It would be something worth having, but it's a long road to get there.

Yes, it certainly will be a long road to get there. It's not going to be easy, simple or painless. If it were, it wouldn't be research :p

And a thing I want to emphasize is that the analyses do not guarantee the identification of the varying regions. The sequencing can be done using many different methods, each with their own drawbacks and strengths leading to a certain resolution of the sequencing. Much like photos have various resolution, some methods can capture apparent details that stick out, but the minute details may not be detected.

Once I speak to the representatives of the sequencing company about the methodologies they offer and so on, I will spend a good deal over Thanksgiving and Christmas to further plan things out and keep people updated along the way.

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