Gecko tracking


New Member
How do you guys keep track of all your leopard geckos? Lately I have just been making a document of when they were born, who I bought it from, what morph and hets and etc. I know there must be an easier way of tracking. Any recommendations? Thanks



Staff member
Somerville, MA
I don't know if you're more referring to keeping track of geckos you buy or ones you produce. I can describe what I do about the ones I produce and you can adapt the index card system for the ones you buy:
--I keep a date book and list on the appropriate date every egg that was laid and every hatch. On the blank pages at the beginning of the book I keep a running list (initial of dam and clutch number) of eggs laid with date, hatch date and outcome (check for successful hatch, X for failure to hatch)

--I label every baby cage with each baby by name (combination of part of father and mother name plus consecutive number as they hatch). I use an adhesive labeller so if I move a hatchling to a different cage I move the label as well

--I buy those colored, spiral bound 3x5" index cards. Each little "booklet" has 50 index cards. I have one booklet for leopard geckos and another for all other geckos. Each hatchling gets a page with "name", hatch date, notes about development as they change, asking price, actual price. When I sell a gecko I paste the adhesive label on its page. I call this my "studbook".


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