Geckos for Sale to Round Room People--LOW PRICES


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Ok, so here is the list of Geckos I am selling. I will not sell individual Geckos, unless it is towards the end and most Geckos are sold already. I can't get weights, the ones that say pictures available, I can get old pictures for you.

Shipping in not included.

Ok people, let em know what you want! And, if you are local and want to buy my eggs hat I have in the incubator let me know. I can't tell you exactly what I have though.

1. SOLD - Mel & Keith
2. Female Bell Hybino (Has a very slight under bite, barely noticeable, not bred yet) - $60
3. SOLD - Mel & Keith
4. SOLD - Paul Sage
5. SOLD - Mel & Keith
6. Male Red stripe Het Bell (Old picture available) - $60
7. SOLD - Paul Sage
8. SOLD - Mel & Keith
9. Female Striped Tremper Albino (Bred to Patternless Red Stripe) - $25
10. Female APTOR 66% Het RAPTOR (Bred to Het RAPTOR, laid about 8 fertile clutches so far, not sure if she will lay more, old pictures available) - $200
11. Male Patternless Red Stripe 66% Het Tremper, about 70 % Carrot Tail (Proven breeder, old pictures available) - $225
12. Female Snake Eyed RAPTOR (Proven breeder, laid about 8 clutches fo far, not sure if she will lay more, old pictures available) - $200
13. SOLD - Mel & Keith
14. Male Mack Snow Het Bell – Proven - $150
15. Female Mack Snow Het Bell (Bred to Mack Snow – Mack Daddy) - $150
16. Male Mack Snow – Mack Daddy –Proven Breeder - $150
17. Female Tang Bell (Just finished breeding, a little skinny - $40
18. SOLD - Mel & Keith
19. Male Het Bell x Het Patternless Red Stripe (Old picture available) - $60
20. Female Het Bell x Het Patternless Red Stripe (Old picture available) - $60
21. Female Stripe Het Bell x Het Patternless Red Stripe (Old picture available) - $75
22. SOLD - Nancy
23. Reverse Stripe RAPTOR (Probable male, old picture available) - $250
24. SOLD - Paul Sage
25. SOLD - Paul Sage
26. SOLD - Paul Sage
27. SOLD - Nancy
28. SOLD - Marcia
29. Jungle Possible Het APTOR – RAPTOR (? Picture available) - $40
30. SOLD - Mel & Keith
31. SOLD - Marcia
32. Unsexed Juvie Mack Snow 66% Het Bell (May be able to find picture) - $45
33. SOLD - Mel & Keith
34. Female Stripe Het bell (Just finished laying eggs, a little skinny, not sure if she will lay more) - $40
35. Female Stripe Het bell (Just finished laying eggs, a little skinny, not sure if she will lay more) - $40
36. Female Striped Bell (adult, just bred to Male Red Striope Het Bell, not sure if gravid) &5

Rhacodactylus Geckos

1. SOLD - Frank McGowan
2. Creamsical Female (Laying eggs now, laid about 7 or 8 clutches, not sure how many more she will lay, bred to cream male, old picture available) - $150
3. Male Striped Gargoyle (Proven breeder, old picture available) - $125
4. Female Red Stripe Gargoyle (Proven Breeder, may lay more eggs, , old picture available) - $175
5. Unsexed Red Tiger Crested (Picture available) - $50
6. Male Harlequin Crested (Incredible color, bad picture available) - $100
7. Juvie Creamsical Dalmation Crested (Old picture available, one of my favorites) - $55
8. Juvie Creamsical Dalmation Crested (Old picture available, one of my favorites) - $55
9. Baby Crested from Brick Red female x Dalmation Male - $25
10. Baby Creamsical - $25
11. Baby Creamsical - $25
12. 2 Baby Striped Gargoyles (I think 2) - $30 Each

Satanic Leaftails

1. Female Red Satanic - $75
2. Male Satanic - $75
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Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I will not sell individual Geckos, unless it is towards the end and most Geckos are sold already.
Ok people, let me know what you want!
Jeanne, are you not selling them individually? If you are, I'll take the #28. Unsexed Super Snow baby - $40 and the #31. Unsexed Juvie Mack Snow (May be able to find picture) - $35


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Marcia, can you send me a small box to ship it out in? I only ordered 15 x 11 x ? boxes, because I really wanted to ship them out in groups, but I am REALLY desperate right now, and need money. Abbie's may need a $1600 surgery


New Member
jeane i may be interetsed in

25. Male Urban Snow Het Bell (Juvie, old picture available) - $75
26. Urban Snow Het Bell (Probable female, old picture available) - $60


24. Female Urban Snow (Proven Breeder, laid last eggs about 3 months ago, old picture available) - $100

wanting to see if you have photos of them


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
robin said:
jeane i may be interetsed in

25. Male Urban Snow Het Bell (Juvie, old picture available) - $75
26. Urban Snow Het Bell (Probable female, old picture available) - $60


24. Female Urban Snow (Proven Breeder, laid last eggs about 3 months ago, old picture available) - $100

wanting to see if you have photos of them

Female Proven Breeder


Male Urban Het bell


Female (?) Urban Het Bell



New Member
paul go for it. russ said no... he wants to get something new for the house. right now buying new things for the house is more important than getting new geckos.... even though i want geckos too LOL


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Grinning Geckos said:
If only I didn't need a car! We'll see if any money is leftover. At least by posting in here, you know they're going to GREAT homes.

Exactly! My babies deserve good homes!


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
PaulSage said:
Jeanne, I'll take all of your Urban/Gem/LB snows (except the ones Robin wants).


Saw my prices and couldn't resist huh??? Yeah, I'm a little crazy, but, once you guys have picked out the geckos you want, I will be posting the rest in the classifieds (Maybe) at higher prices. Or, I may be sending them out to be sold at shows.

They are all yours Paul. If you hatch a Urban Snow Bell and it ends up being something totally cool, I will probably have to kill my self! Just Kidding!

So, you want

4. Female Gem Snow (Bred to Male Bell Albino) - $50
7. Female Line Bred Snow (Bred to Male SS) - $50
24. Female Urban Snow (Proven Breeder, laid last eggs about 3 months ago, old picture available) - $100
25. Male Urban Snow Het Bell (Juvie, old picture available) - $75
26. Urban Snow Het Bell (Probable female, old picture available) - $60

Is that right?


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
You know, I am leaving my computer at Bobby's house (Can't fit it in my Studio aprtment). If anyone has a laptop that they aren't using, and wants to trade for Geckos, let me know :)


I'm baaaaaack!
Jeanne said:
Saw my prices and couldn't resist huh??? Yeah, I'm a little crazy, but, once you guys have picked out the geckos you want, I will be posting the rest in the classifieds (Maybe) at higher prices. Or, I may be sending them out to be sold at shows.

They are all yours Paul. If you hatch a Urban Snow Bell and it ends up being something totally cool, I will probably have to kill my self! Just Kidding!

So, you want

4. Female Gem Snow (Bred to Male Bell Albino) - $50
7. Female Line Bred Snow (Bred to Male SS) - $50
24. Female Urban Snow (Proven Breeder, laid last eggs about 3 months ago, old picture available) - $100
25. Male Urban Snow Het Bell (Juvie, old picture available) - $75
26. Urban Snow Het Bell (Probable female, old picture available) - $60

Is that right?

Whoo hoo! Yep, that's right. Actually Jeanne, I have been this close [pinches fingers together] to posting a want ad for at least a 1.1 of line-bred snows for a project I have in mind a few days ago, but something told me to hold off for a bit. If I hatch something really cool from the Urban x Bells, don't worry I won't tell you so that you don't regret it--just like I didn't tell you that I hatched 394 Bell Blazings from the double hets I got from you. :p

I'll send you the Paypal, just let me know when you can ship. I think I can be here to receive them pretty much any day except next week Tuesday.

EDIT: I'll check around to see if anyone I know has an extra lappy, too.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Cool! Thanks Paul! I am getting in boxes and deli cups on Monday, so I will probably be doing a mass mailing on Tuesday. I will keep everyone updated :)


I'm baaaaaack!
Oh wait, if you're shipping FedEx, I could just send you a shipping label from my account too if that helps.

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