After doing some looking on the internet, I found that the Nebraska Reptile Breeder's Expo will be at the Howard Johnson Hotel on October 4 from 10 am- 4pm. If you still know of some breeders in the Omaha area, let me know.
Haha hey man I'm from Omaha, You should talk to Bob he's got an awesome collection and i've bought several from him. His name is Knobbs on here or you can message me and i'll give you his number.
Sweet! I'm assuming he's in Omaha?! I have one currently, but she's not doing so well and I bought her from a pet store so if things don't go so well I would like to get another one, but NOT from a pet store.
Yeah they are generally not very healthy but i was at a name brand store this week on 72nd and i was actually pretty impressed for once. But Bob is your man in Omaha if you want a quality gecko.