Gen Chem I


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl

It is kicking my butt this semester and it isnt fair! I am trying so hard to get my GPA up because obviously you need a high GPA to get into vet school.
Well, now my chemistry class has ruined that! I am failing, and I used to think it was my fault. But on the last test, the class average was a 32! (Out of a 100) How ridiculous! That says something about the teacher! He is horrible! He doesnt do anything in the lecture but rattle off what is on the powerpoints, and then his tests consist of NOTHING I HAVE EVER SEEN BEFORE! GRRRRR!
Its just not fair. Last semester I got straight A's and I was anticipating doing the same this semester.
Now I am going to flunk out of college just because of Gen chem I >.<

Im gonna go cry now.


New Member
Oregon, IL
Idk how it is at your school, but all of my profs have student tutors that are PAID to help us. If you have that, I suggest getting their email and asking for some help.

There are also various places around campus we can go for tutoring. Or, if worse comes to worse, we can post a notice on the student bulletin board. I know money's tight, but you can offer to cook dinner in exchange for tutoring two nights a week, maybe?

Just suggestions. Chem is required and its really something you should actually learn considering the profession you want to have. It's ridiculous that the prof isn't helping you more.


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Is it too late to withdraw from the class so you can take it later with a different prof?

Yes, it is too late too withdraw- I have known for awhile that I was doing poorly in the class (And I have seeked help), but if I withdraw I wont have enough credits to keep my scholarship and I will have to pay money back into my scholarship(Which I dont have because I already owe the school money) for dropping it.

Idk how it is at your school, but all of my profs have student tutors that are PAID to help us. If you have that, I suggest getting their email and asking for some help.

There are also various places around campus we can go for tutoring. Or, if worse comes to worse, we can post a notice on the student bulletin board. I know money's tight, but you can offer to cook dinner in exchange for tutoring two nights a week, maybe?

Just suggestions. Chem is required and its really something you should actually learn considering the profession you want to have. It's ridiculous that the prof isn't helping you more.

No student tutors >.<
I have joined a study group, but we only do the homework, and like I said before his tests are things that Ive never seen before, not in the homework, book, notes, lecture, anywhere.
I think over half of the class is failing.

chem itself isnt bad, I guess I should have specified.
I understand the material that I cover myself when reading, taking notes, etc. I get it, I really do, and some of it I enjoy. Its just passing his tests that are killing me, and its just not fair.

I am planning at this point, to finish the course and take whatever grade I get and do a Grade forgiveness, where i retake the class and it covers up my old grade.
I just hate wasting my time like this.


New Member
Oregon, IL
No student tutors >.<
I have joined a study group, but we only do the homework, and like I said before his tests are things that Ive never seen before, not in the homework, book, notes, lecture, anywhere.
I think over half of the class is failing.

chem itself isnt bad, I guess I should have specified.
I understand the material that I cover myself when reading, taking notes, etc. I get it, I really do, and some of it I enjoy. Its just passing his tests that are killing me, and its just not fair.

I am planning at this point, to finish the course and take whatever grade I get and do a Grade forgiveness, where i retake the class and it covers up my old grade.
I just hate wasting my time like this.

Wasting your time and money! That's just so frustrating. On the plus side, when you retake the course you'll have a better idea of what to expect :/


New Member
I loved Gen Chem... Organic Chem was a totally different story but the labs were fun!

I hate when professors know what they're doing BUT have no idea how to teach. I've come across A LOT of professors like that especially in the sciences. It can be a world renowned chemist but if he doesn't know how to teach how is that suppose to help you?

Have you tried talking to him?

I had a Bio professor like this. GENERAL BIOLOGY is suppose to be really easy, cell parts, plant cells, etc. but for some reason that man that was a biologist with like 5 different degrees and the entire alphabet after his name could NOT teach to save his life. I'd go to class and he would have slides of his colleagues, videos on youtube and crap taken off of wikapedia! Can you believe that? What I loved was what he said before his LONG 100 question test, "This test was made so that NO ONE can get a 100%, there are somethings that we won't even touch upon in this semester, so try your best and guess. PLUS I was taking Gen. Bio as a requirement for a Medical Technology Degree BUT NO he geared the entire class towards pharmacy majors even though we had 5 in a class of 125! The entire class complained to the dean, he has a horrible reputation, he fails almost everyone and SOME HOW HE's STILL TEACHING! ugh. So I know exactly how your feeling.


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Yup, that is what this professor does. If you try to talk to him, all he says is, "Well, do your homework". thats it! It is so very frustrating. I dont know how he is teaching.


New Member
Oregon, IL
This makes me very, very grateful for my small school. No classes over 25 = individual attention (and teachers who obviously love teaching..and can actually do it well--save, a few of the ones who have tenure and decided that they don't need to know how to teach anymore because they can't get fired...those are usually in the math and science departments and I'm an English and Philosophy major..soo...I only get brief encounters with them)


New Member
I think every school has professors like that unfortunatly mine is the genetics teacher. And this fricken tenure, I hate him, and I have to take a required class with him to graduate. After I told him he was a horrible teacher and I seriously never wanted to take another class with him. Keep your head up, they aren't all that bad.


New Member
I'm lucky that after I transfered out of Med Tech and into Health Services Administration I got all the best professors in the school. My HSA professor is a AMAZING not only does he have have around 30 years experience and is a full time professor, he's extremely helpful and personable. Everything he lectures about is on the test and there are no surprises, very fair grader as well!

Those are the professors I like and can appreciate. He'll even have have breakfast and lunch with you to talk about jobs, classwork, etc. I love that little 73 year old man I hope his heart can hold on another year, lol.

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