I have a few questons:
This is my gecko:http://geckoforums.net/showthread.php?p=578715#post578715
Go to this thread to read up on it, before you say its to skinny
1. My gecko is kinda skinny, especially its tail, i want to get its weight up but i don't want to do it threw fatty foods, Should i just feed crickets and mealworms every once in a while or should start giving it wax worms to get its weight up, if so how many wax-worms do you think will be good every week. It does need to gets it weight up, and it would be nice if i could get it up within a few weeks to a month.
2.See in the photos the repti-carpet or what ever its called I'm using, well i have used to before but for some reason this leopard gecko gets so wound up when catching a crickets he bites the carpet and scrapes or eats a little of it, remove? or keep, maybe paper towels it better, i always like the carpet.
3.Who feeds in a separate container, is is any good? Do it cause to much stress to take it out when ever I'm going to feed or or just dump them in the tank?
Thanks Chris
Its long and sloppy kinda in a rush, Sorry
This is my gecko:http://geckoforums.net/showthread.php?p=578715#post578715
Go to this thread to read up on it, before you say its to skinny
1. My gecko is kinda skinny, especially its tail, i want to get its weight up but i don't want to do it threw fatty foods, Should i just feed crickets and mealworms every once in a while or should start giving it wax worms to get its weight up, if so how many wax-worms do you think will be good every week. It does need to gets it weight up, and it would be nice if i could get it up within a few weeks to a month.
2.See in the photos the repti-carpet or what ever its called I'm using, well i have used to before but for some reason this leopard gecko gets so wound up when catching a crickets he bites the carpet and scrapes or eats a little of it, remove? or keep, maybe paper towels it better, i always like the carpet.
3.Who feeds in a separate container, is is any good? Do it cause to much stress to take it out when ever I'm going to feed or or just dump them in the tank?
Thanks Chris
Its long and sloppy kinda in a rush, Sorry