Genetics question? How to calculate genetic outcomes


New Member
South Carolina
I have been doing some research on genetics, morphs, etc., understand all of the basic terms such as dominant, recessive, line-bred, het, etc. pretty well, but here was my real question. I am going to breed a female "bell lavender snow poss. Het. Blizzard" to a male "hypo snow het. Bell". So, in the babies I should get no blizzards since it is a recessive trait and only one gecko has the possiblility of carrying it, but I should get all the babies with the bell albino or at least het for bell, right? Also since both have "snow" in them (is it Mack snow?) I should get some super snows also, right? Is the lavender trait going to show up in the babies at all? Also, my male is a "hypo snow" which the hypo should mean a reduced amount of black markings, correct? Yet he has black spots all over his head and tail and a few on his back, but the rest a brownish color with some white striping. A little confused with him and what I am learning....also I am having trouble using the reptile calculator figuring out how to put in the correct morphs of parents to get the correct outcome. Any help?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
There's another thread where this aspect of the reptile calculator has been discussed (largely by me) at length. You are correct about what you say about the blizzard, albino and snow traits. The reason the others (lavendar, hypo) are confusing is because they are called "polygenetic" i.e. determined by more than one gene, and the reptile calculator has no way to take them into account. Your offspring will have a range of amount of lavendar and spotting but there's no way to predict. As for the black spots on the hypo, "hypo" usually refers to degree of body spotting, not head and tail. I hope this helps.



New Member
South Carolina
Hi! Yes I remember, thanks for all of your help, I was trying to find the thread I posted a while ago but couldnt find it...sorry!! So if I were to sell the offspring, I really couldn't tell whether they had lavender or hypo traits in them until they grow up a bit more? Then if they do seem to carry those traits just add it to their names? also, sorry if you had already answered this, but how would I know by looking at the babies whether a certain one is homozygous for the bell albino or het for it? Just a lighter skin tone?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
lavendar and hypo:
if you sell them as babies, you can only say that they come from parents with these traits so they may display them. Many people who breed these wait till they're older for this reason

homo vs. het: albino babies are born beige and yellow (or white if they're snows) instead of black and yellow. It can be a bit hard to tell with some really dark albinos. As they age it will be easier to see whether they have red-veined albino eyes.



New Member
South Carolina
Okay I found the other thread! So, I will get some regular Mack snows het. Bell, bell Mack snows, super snows het bell, bell albinos and normal het bell are all possibilities?

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