Getting a Leopard Gecko this week! Need help



I have two questions.

1. Do I need a heating pad? I will be getting a heat lamp.

2. Which calcium powder do I need? I've read you should dust insects with powder every other day and offer a bowl with the powder at all times in the tank. (product name & description)
-Rep-Cal Herptivite Multivitamins ;Herptivite is a complete reptile multivitamin and mineral supplement. It contains beta carotene, which is an antioxidant that is converted into vitamin A in a regulated way, so there's no danger of vitamin A toxicity. Herptivite's formulation contains all natural source ingredients with a base of "sea vegetation", which is rich in essential trace elements and minerals. Developed from the latest findings in reptile and amphibian nutritional research to ensure correct utilization of protein and other essential nutrients for growth, reproduction, maintenance and many aspects of your reptile's bodily functions.

- Rep-Cal Calcium with Vitamin D3 Ultrafine Powder ;Rep-Cal Ultrafine (fine grind) is an excellent source of calcium for all reptiles and amphibians. Scientifically formulated from 100% natural Oyster Shell phosphorous-free calcium carbonate with added Vitamin D3 to aid in the absorption of calcium.

-Repta-Calcium Dietary Supplement from Fluker's ;Repta-Calcium should be used daily to help prevent a calcium deficiency in your reptiles and amphibians. Calcium is necessary for strong skeletal structure and to regulate several bodily functions. Use with reptiles and amphibians who consume a large amount of crickets, mealworms, waxworms or mice, all of which are high in phosphorous. Can also be sprinkled over fruits and vegetables

Thanks! :D
Any other tip would be nice too. ;)
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
You can get some good information from care sheets, especially from comparing care sheets and then asking here about things that seem to conflict, or that seem unclear. I have a caresheet that talks about what you need and why, what you don't need and why. It can be found on my website:


Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
1. Yes.

2. Answers will vary for this one. I dust with Calcium Plus and keep a dish of pure calcium (no D3) in the enclosure.


New Member
1. Under-tank heaters are not absolutely necessary. I use heat lamps, and they provide the perfect air and floor temps. The floor of the tank feels very warm, so I know my gecko is getting good belly heat.

2. The calcium supplement I use is Zoo Med's Repti Calcium; Repti Calcium is an ultra-fine precipitated calcium carbonate supplement for reptiles and amphibians. Its unique shape and high surface area per gram result in increased calcium bioavailability. Plus, it's free of phosphorus and harmful impurities.
I also use their Repti Calcium with D3. The Rep-Cal multivitamin is the vitamin supplement that I use, and it works very well.


New Member
San Diego
Know all the info before you buy the gecko....
Also when people say your gecko may randomly not eat for a weak they are not bull****ing


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
1. Under-tank heaters are not absolutely necessary. I use heat lamps, and they provide the perfect air and floor temps. The floor of the tank feels very warm, so I know my gecko is getting good belly heat..

Um, Actually UTH are ABSOLUTELY necessary for leopard geckos. They need the belly heat to help them digest their food. Heat lamps are not necessary at all and I wouldnt recommend using one, as long as you have the UTH. Make sure to use a thermometer with a thermostat to help control and measure the temps. You want to make sure the temps stay around 90-95*F.

Anyways, someone said it best, look into the link of the leo care sheet and you should find all the info you need =]


New Member
Chester, England
I second that gitrdone0420 :main_yes: An under tank heater is the best source of heat for leos, they may not feel toowarm to us as its an infra red heat (correct me if im wrong) rather than a direct heat and it simulates the sun warming the ground. A lamp can get too hot. Undertank heaters are the safest choice. Thats my view anyway :) Good luck with your geckos! x

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