Getting a second Leo?


Wayward Victorian Girl
Steel City, Ontario, Canada
I'd like to get a second leo (I can't seem to stop at just one..), but I'm worried about putting 2 in the same tank. I currently have a female. I'd like to get another. The last time I had 2 I kept them in separate tanks. One was male and the other was female. I didn't want to stress my female, or have to deal with babies.

My tank is a 20 gal, I believe (bought it second hand, and they weren't sure of the size). I put in a second level, and have 4 hides. Is this enough space for 2 adult leos?

Other than the space issue, is there anything else I should be on the lookout for before I decide to get another leo?


New Member
Reading, PA
Thats enough space for 2 leos. Just make sure you get another female and it should be about the same size as the one you have now


New Member
Reading, PA
Well you might find one to bully the other over food/hides. I would keep a close eye on them for the first few days just to make sure everything is fine.


Senior Member
East Texas
I have 2 adult female leopard geckos that live happily in a 20 gallon long tank and have 5 hides. I feed them together in the same tank and I have no issues with bullying, but all geckos are different. Even if you get another female, they could still fight, so know that you may have to keep them apart for good if they fight.

After I quarantined my second female, I would introduce them by handling them at the same time. Then after that I would let the new female into my first's one tank only for a few minutes, then moved into a few hours, after that, if they dont fight, then your probably ok. After all that and she is moved into the tank I would still watch them for a few days, just to be on the safe side.

Also, I tried my best to find another female that was around the same age as my first female. Closer in age, the better I think. Mine are 2 months apart.
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