Girl Colony Tank


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I don't know if anyone remembers the tall 30 (?) gal tank that I made rock walls for with lots of layers. Well, turns out the guy I put in there didn't apreaciate the levels at all lol he only got up there to poop. So I decided to take a totally different direction with the tank, and move the guy to a smaller tank.

So here is where I'm putting my three bigger girls for the time being. I want to get a 40 gal breeder at some point, but this is good for now.




I think that's all I have to say for now... um, it's not totally finished. I'm gonna go out tomorrow for another hide. And I'm washing their little calcium dish, so it's not in the photos. And in a few weeks I'll be adding more wood and more rocks, so it'll keep evolving.


New Member
VERY NICE!! i got the same kinda tank.. same shape but i think mines a lil bit bigger.. I use mine a female Colony Tank... LOOOVE what you've done :)


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
VERY NICE!! i got the same kinda tank.. same shape but i think mines a lil bit bigger.. I use mine a female Colony Tank... LOOOVE what you've done :)

Thank you! :D Once my two younger females reach the size of these three I want to get a 40 gal breeder tank and put them all together.


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
I went back to Homedepot today for more of those rock tiles so that I could create some sort of rock stucture with lots of little nooks and cranies. I think I achieved that, because now there are 4 more good places to hide back there amongs the rocks. There is also moss in some of them, which will make up the moist hides.




I will be using colored construction paper to cover the glass behing the rock hides to give them more darkness and more privacy. Let me say that the "front" (which is technically the top screen of the tank) is mesh, so there is air getting in and out. The substrate is eco-earth, not sand, and pebbles so that the ecoearth doesn't fall through the screen door. Please don't question things in the tank like I'm a horrible gecko owner without a clue.


New Member
How long have you been using coco fiber and have you ever had any problems? I would like to try it but like most people i'm a little uneasy about it.


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
How long have you been using coco fiber and have you ever had any problems? I would like to try it but like most people i'm a little uneasy about it.

It's been about a year now that I've been using it, and so far so good! I personally love it because it smells nice, it can be kept dry or moist, and my geckos just love digging in it. Since it's coco fiber I feel that it's pretty "soft" and organic, and I've never had a gecko seem impacted or bloated. I keep all of them on this stuff and they're all thriving (I don't keep my very little ones on it though, it gives them a chance to learn how to hunt on paper before they have to do it against a brown background). But I stand behind it, I still haven't heard anything bad about it and I know a long time reptile breeder who also recomends it. But it's all about if you feel comfortable using it :)


Happy Gecko Family
WOW, very beautiful setting! I like it without the tiles too. Do you have something securing the tiles together, I'm a bit worried that they may push over a tile and get hurt. Makes me want to make a big tank and put all my females together too!


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
WOW, very beautiful setting! I like it without the tiles too. Do you have something securing the tiles together, I'm a bit worried that they may push over a tile and get hurt. Makes me want to make a big tank and put all my females together too!

Thank you! No there's nothing sticking the tiles together, but I'm not too worried. I'm the first person that would be concerned for my geckos, and I've checked and rechecked that the tiles are locked in place. I'm hesitant to cement them together because it'll make cleaning them out harder.

If you can I would do it! lol I think it's super fun to decorate a huge tank and then it's adorable to see a couple girls sleeping together in a single hide even when they have 17. Plus I think it's healthy for them to have lots of room to explore and to do natural behaviours.


will you STOP inspiring me to change my tanks????? LOL!!!! okay, how deep is your eco-earth in this one? I LOVE IT!!!


La Española
Melbourne, Florida
will you STOP inspiring me to change my tanks????? LOL!!!! okay, how deep is your eco-earth in this one? I LOVE IT!!!

Hahaha! Sorry? lol I think it's about an inch towards the pebbles and a little deeper towards the back. I like to put the hides on deeper ecoearth because then the geckos can dig out little nooks for themselves to get comfy. Thank you!

I love this tank because it's the cheapest one I've ever put together lol I already had the tank, so between the ecoearth, the dollar store pebbles, and the 80 cent rock tiles (the hide that looks like it was bought I borrowed from someone lol So I'll have to give that back in a few days) it wasn't that much money. So yay :)
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