Going to be gone for a few days.....


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Zach has Thrus & Friday off from school so we are going to take a little road trip up to MI to see Ken and his son Devin. They have an indoor water park like the Great Wolf Lodge up in MI so we will be taking the boys there. Zach and I are leaving today after I pick him up from school and we'll be back Sunday. I may be able to check in while I'm gone if my wireless gets a good signal. :main_rolleyes:


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Thanks guys!! Yes Robin give me a ring.

God it's beautiful here. When you think of Flint, MI you really don't think that it would be pretty at all. But Ken's place is not in the heart of Flint and is nestle in the woods a bit. Ken is spending the next 3 morning doing what he did this morning....... duck hunting with his dog Duke a HUGE Chocolate Lab. They leave at 0530, which means he gets up at 0430 and Duke goes nuts cause he knows he's going out to hunt. Then poor Mickey who is a German Pointer and way too old to hunt any more cries for hours after they leave....OMG someone remind me to get some really good ear plugs for once we live together.

Well I decided to finally dive in to a DSLR and got the Rebel XTi and some toys to go along with it, before I left to come here. So far I've only played around with the zoom and micro lens pretty much with all set to auto since I'm very rusty with a SLR. I'm going to try to post pics before I loose connection, damn Verizon out here sucks!!


I'm baaaaaack!
I hope you have a great time, Felicia! Make sure to take lots of pictures so I can remember what I'm [not] missing of the cold north. ;)


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
What don't you miss Paul? The snow, the layers of clothes, salt trucks, plows? LOL So far what snow we've had here and back home has not even stuck at all. The leaves for the most part have all changed, some non-pine trees are still green, which I find odd, but oh well. It's pretty.

I'll try to take some decent pics of what you're not missing Paul, if I ever get through this manual!!! When I get back to Cleveland the camera shop is holding a DSLR class on Tues, that I'm not missing, cause the next one is not till Jan, due to the holidays. But the guy that does the class said if I can't make that one he said he'd be happy to hold a one on one class for me.....yeah I'm sure he likes the commision he made off me that's why.

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