Golden Gecko Hiding



I just got my first Goldie a few days ago. I read up on them and everything but I didn't catch anything on how active they are. I have my gecko in a 20 gal. tank with a few spots for him to hide. For the first 2 days he just picked a spot on the glass and stayed there. Now he is still on the glass, but very close to the ground. He is in the corner of the tank behind some leaves and he has been there for at least 13hrs. My question is do goldies hide like that a lot?? I mean..I have him in a room with no activity whatsoever unless I am feeding him (which isnt going well btw, i dont have any live food :main_lipsrsealed: getting it tomorrow) so please help. Thanks.


New Member
Weymouth MA
The first few days (up to few weeks) is an adjustment period for them. I'm also waiting for our new jungle to eat (1 week tomorrow). Disturb him as little as possible. Get a fecal done at the vet as soon as you get one. Dont' leave your live food in the tank (mealies in a dish is OK). Patience (and a bit of stress on your part). Let us know how it's going.


New Member
New York
They need lots of hides and cover, they like to hide and their nocturnal they will likely only be active at night. Give it atleast a week or so to settle in before feeding. Also make sure to mist the cahe good daily for drinking and to help with hummidity.

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