Golden Geckos


New Member
I have 2 golden geckos in a 20G terr. and When I got them they were a very nice bright color they have a 40w red light and heatg mat for the night is this normal for them or could they be abit stressed for some reason they look perfectly fine and they eat but the color just annoys me lol

touch 13

Kitchener, Ontario
The gekko ulikovskii is generally a higher humidity, and a nice warmer 72-78 Degree aboreal species. I house one 2 and a half year old female. My goldie is housed with tokays and hense they're all from the same general area, they require the same husbandry. In a 100 Gallon (to maintain my "hemi's" happiness) i have a 100Wat tight beam by zoomed on the left side along with a 12" heating pad underneath. On the other i have a 8.9W uvb with live plants, and a 2' tall waterfall with pump. My left side is the hot side, the right is the cool side.

I usually find hemi clinging to the glass, right in the middle of the tank (where i dont have leaves hanging) and she's allowing the light to hit her, this keeps her fires up and unless she's shedding, she's vibrant yellow.

Maybe your goldies are just going through the shedding process or you catch them during the times of the day they aren't so fired up.

anymore info required on your ulikovskii, i'd be glad to try and help

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