Good, Bad, & Sad!


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
As some of you know, I'm on vacation in FL, visiting family.

Good & Bad: My cousin comes home yesterday with this adorable little lab beagle mix, that she was supposed to socialize before it was to be trained as a service dog. Well the poor thing was full, and I mean FULL of fleas and she had white gums and lots of hot spots. My cousin was told this little girl was about 6 months old. We cleaned her up and decided to report the breeder for neglect. This morning we take her to the vet to get some blood work done, and any meds she may need. Luckily she didn't have any heartworms, but had hookworms and tape worms. She is also not 6 months old but at least 18 months old, and only 15lbs. Well she's got all her meds and is doing very good with being house broken, considering she has been locked in a create most of her life.

Sad: Now fast forward to this afternoon. My aunts 12 year old Rott, was put down tonight. Poor Lady, she was such a sweet girl.

Good & Bad: Then I'm watering and feeding my hatchlings and find that two are missing from their tub! I look everywhere I can, fearing the worst, due to one of the dogs having an apatite for lizards. :( Then my little cousin starts screaming, she has found one and it's all in one piece! Now I have hope that we may find the other one.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I'm sorry to hear about Lady, give your aunt my condolences. That's great that you found the missing baby, good luck on finding the other. I seem to always find them when they escape.. or they find me :)


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Thank you Kelli & Marcia.

On a good note, I've been able to find some awesome herps here right on the property. Even a nesting Gopher Tortoise, I'd love to see the babies hatch before I leave. :)


I'm baaaaaack!
Sorry your vacation didn't get off to such a great start, Felicia. Maybe seeing that Gopher Tortoise is an omen for good things to come ;)


My condolences to your Aunt for her loss of her beloved Lady
I sure hope that your vacation gets better
it's so sad to read about dogs in such neglect-she's lucky that she got a good home or i am sure that she would not have lasted very much longer
I wonder if something can be done to shut down that breeder?

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