I would go with a RAPTOR, Snow RAPTOR, or an Eclipse, Personally I would leave another het RAPTOR out of the mix unless the animal had some other trait(s) that I was aiming for. I wouldn't go with an APTOR het RAPTOR, I'd go for the sure shot. You'd have better odds for producing solid eyed animals by going that route as opposed to a het I believe.
+1 With Ken, chucking another het in there will confuse your socks off and muddle the outcome, better chances of you hatching out what you want with the homozygous traits showing. (Heterozygous with the snow but you know what I mean)
Maybe even a Diablo Blanco or some other form of Diablo Blanco (Snow DB or Super Snow DB). I like the Ruby Eyed/Eclipse trait a lot, can you tell? :main_laugh: