Good Reads


Gecko Obsessed
Little Rock, AR
My boyfriend is trying to get me into reading them. I finished The Magician by Raymond Feist a while ago and hope to read more of the Riftwar Saga whenever I get a chance.


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
Hmm, haven't read any good "medevil" fantasy books recently although I did read a very cool fantasy/scifi book called "The Snow Queen" by Joan D. Vinge. It was written in the 60s I think, and I'm not sure if it's in print any more, but I highly recommend it. Another one I recommend is the Alan Campbell series, I forget the actual name but the first book is called "Scar Night" and the second is "Iron Angel". A third book was just released not too long ago. I think it's called "God of Clocks", but I'm too poor right now to go out and buy it. It's a dark fantasy/steam punk genre and is great for anyone who's tired of the same old same old sword and sorcery fantasy.

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