Google R.I.P



hey guys, My female leo google passed away yesterday morning, and in all honesty im really unsure with the cause of death. She was only 3 1/2 years old and housed alone. She began ovulating about a month ago, and she started to go off her food. I know this is common, as the past 2 years the same has happened. I took her to the vet the 2 previous years and both times they assured me her appetite would return in due course, which it did. this time however i was determined to avoid the vets and sit through it, 1 month had passed and the nite before last i checked on her and she still looked lively enough, but i also noticed that her underside (belly) looked as if it had collapsed and was sagging below her, but if i picked her up she would retain her shape again, like it was her stomach muscles tightening up. i know a photo would have been helpful but didnt think at the time. she had also lost a substancial amount of fat from her tail, but no more than usual i guess. and when i picked her up to examine her, i couldnt see any sign of food or poop in her belly, completely transparent, not suprising as she hadnt eaten for a month i guess. any ideas guys, cheers, Gary

p.s, husbandry (housing, heating, lighting, vitamins) are all spot on.

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