You'll find they grow really really fast for the first 6-8 months. It's almost like they grow 1/2-1" overnight sometimes.Nice looking grandis. i just picked up two babies myself recently and I can't wait for them to grow up.
My girls do allow me to open their enclosures to get close-ups (took a year for them to trust me), but with that said, they are still pretty shy & timid. I haven't attempted to handle them as they can be super fast & I really don't want to stress myself out trying to chase them down with fish net. They are a lot of fun to just sit & watch, especially when they hunt crickets or when they play peek-a-boo with you.I meant to comment yesterday on these! Love how green they are (my faaaaaavorite color).
I don't know much about these species, are they fun? Yours certainly looks bright and beautiful